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索尼SmartWatch2软件更新 支持界面定制化
尼一直都在致力于更新自家的智能手表设备 SmartWatch ,除了提供基本的信息通知等功能外,还可以阅读邮件、使用社交网络甚至下载安装一些游戏。本质上,索尼正在尝试将手机的应用程序适当简化并移植到智能手表上,突出其扩展性。目前 SmartWatch 2 已经拥有了近 400 款专用应用。
据索尼官方博客报道,索尼近日宣布,将对 SmartWatch 2 系统进行更新,加入新的定制化时钟界面功能。通过索尼提供的 Smartwatch 2 附属应用,用户可以将小部件直接拖放到手表上,类似于在 Android 手机上添加主屏部件。目前可以加入的元素包括日期、天气、日历待办事件等,索尼也希望第三方开发者能够为 SmartWatch 2 开发更多的时钟界面部件。
另外,索尼在本次更新中还改善 Smartwatch 2 的 Gmail 和 Facebook 功能,调整了通知提醒,并加入计算器应用和改变背景壁纸的功能。有需求的朋友可以前往原链接浏览查看。
索尼SmartWatch2软件更新 支持界面定制化
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Sony SmartWatch 2
Sony SmartWatch 2 review:
Better, but still not the best
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Editors' Top Picks
It's still up for debate whether or not you need a smartwatch, but the new Pebble Steel...
So long as you don't need a display, the Jawbone Up24's Bluetooth syncing, Android and...
A GPS running watch combined with an activity tracker, but with one major flaw.
The long-awaited Kickstarter project is clean and functional, but the full dream of the...
Sony follows up on its first stab at minting a smart timepiece with the SmartWatch 2. Priced at $199, this gadget is a serious attempt at fixing many of the original
failings. Now flaunting a clean, modern design, water-resistant construction, and a better screen, the SmartWatch 2 has plenty of tricks up its sleeve. Costing $100 less than the troubled
, yet more capable, Sony's latest wearable creation is a compelling
Even so, the device's compatibility with non-Sony phones could be better, its battery life longer, and quirks less annoying. You also don't get iOS support and the selection of clock faces is far smaller than you'd expect for a watch. That's why I still recommend the $149 powerful
as the wisest smartwatch choice.
1 - 4 / 11
Even more than a phone, a watch is a personal fashion statement. Strapped to your wrist for much of the day, watches must complement various articles of clothing as well, everything from buttoned-down suits and ties to casual jeans and T-shirts. That makes designing an aesthetically compelling smartwatch a risky endeavor, even for a consumer electronics giant like Sony.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the SmartWatch 2 is unattractive -- far from it. A glossy black slab of glass, metal, and plastic, the timepiece definitely flaunts a certain amount of minimalist style. As a matter of fact, I think the SmartWatch 2 looks classier than Samsung's Galaxy Gear. Having a watch camera is very slick, but a bulbous lens protruding from your wrist is definitely school on a Saturday, if you know what I mean.
Made to complement Sony's Xperia smartphones, the square and flat device has a big, circular power button on its right side.
Sarah Tew/CNET
The device's polished silver bezel, which rings its screen, provides a touch of sophistication, too. Even so, with a large, flat display and prominent Sony logo above it, there’s no hiding that the SmartWatch 2 is high-tech gadget first and pret-a-porter accessory second.
Three standard Android keys cut in symbols for Back, Home, and Menu, which sit below the screen, and also drive home that the SmartWatch 2 is really a mobile computer, not a mere watch. Additionally, the devices' boxy design language, complete with big circular power button on its right edge, fits right into Sony’s current Xperia line of handsets. Indeed, if you place the watch next to the Xperia Z or Z1, it's easy to see that they're close cousins.
The SmartWatch 2 buckles like a regular time piece and is comfortable enough to wear all day.
Sarah Tew/CNET
Like its predecessor, the original Sony SmartWatch, Sony chose to equip basic versions of the SmartWatch 2 with a silicone wristband. Echoing my experience with the first Sony device, I found the SmartWatch 2’s strap both soft and comfortable to wear around the clock. If you're looking to stand out from the crowd, though, the stock SmartWatch 2’s rather plain black band won't fit the bill.
On the left side is a Micro-USB port for charging the device's battery hidden under a soft waterproof plug.
Sarah Tew/CNET
Sony sells a wide range of add-on s silicone bands come in yellow, pink, purple, and turquoise, and you can also purchase leather straps in both black and brown. Additionally, if you're willing to spend a little extra, a premium version of the SmartWatch 2 sports an all-metal strap, though in a sober black. I like how the SmartWatch 2 is built to accept standard watch bands from ordinary timepieces. Simply pull out the pins to swap in wristbands from old tickers you might have gathering dust around the house.
I wasn't wowed by the SmartWatch 2's screen. Measuring 1.6 inches across the device’s LCD certainly is big. After using the
Galaxy Gear, however, which boasts a sharper 320x320-pixel resolution (same 1.6-inch size), and OLED technology that produces vibrant colors with lusciously dark blacks, the SmartWatch 2's display (220x176 pixels) looks drab and lifeless by comparison.
The Sony SmartWatch 2's screen is big, can be seen outdoors, but doesn't blow me away.
Sarah Tew/CNET
The gentle curve of the Gear's screen also makes for more comfortable finger swiping as opposed to the traditional flat and angular cut of the SmartWatch 2's display. Even so, I can't stress how much this new screen is an improvement over the first Sony SmartWatch's screen. Unlike its predecessor, whose OLED screen washed out completely under strong sunshine, the SmartWatch 2's transflective LCD lets light through to remain easily readable outdoors.
In my view, the primary purpose of a smartwatch is to push important alerts to your wrist so you can mess with your phone less and have more time to actually live your life. To this end, the Sony SmartWatch 2 will funnel updates from Twitter, Facebook, along with Gmail messages to your wrist as they hit your handset. Not only will the device display a notification on its screen with a brief summary of message contents, the watch haptically buzzes, too.
Check e-mail, texts, and other alerts right from the SmartWatch 2's screen.
Sarah Tew/CNET
I especially appreciate that you can dial down when the SmartWatch 2 leaps into action, particularly regarding Twitter and Facebook. For instance, I was able to have the device tell me when I received direct Twitter and Facebook messages, not buzz maddeningly whenever contacts updated their status.
Unfortunately, Gmail alerts aren't that selective, and the SmartWatch 2 will ping whenever e-mails arrive. And if you get anywhere near the amount of e-mail I do, your wrist will be vibrating constantly. Another disappointment is that you have to use the SmartWatch e-mail app to access non-Gmail messages, as well. While that may be fine by itself, Sony's e-mail software is only compatible with Sony Xperia smartphones. So, if you plan on using the SmartWatch 2 to keep on top of Outlook-based messages using an Android device that’s not made by Sony, you’re in for a big letdown. Sure, Sony's compatibility with non-Sony products has never been stellar, but that's no excuse.
The SmartWatch 2's flat display makes for less comfy swiping than a curved screen would.
Sarah Tew/CNET
Editors' Top Picks
It's still up for debate whether or not you need a smartwatch, but the new Pebble Steel...
So long as you don't need a display, the Jawbone Up24's Bluetooth syncing, Android and...
A GPS running watch combined with an activity tracker, but with one major flaw.
The long-awaited Kickstarter project is clean and functional, but the full dream of the...
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Brian Bennett is senior editor for appliances at CNET and reviews a wide range of household and smart-home products. These include everything from microwave ovens, blenders, ranges and coffee makers to personal weather stations. An NYC native, Brian now resides in bucolic Louisville, Kentucky where he dreams of someday owning the sparkling house of the future.您当前位置:
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  智能手表的概念在今年被热炒,GALAXY Gear、Pebble之类的产品在不断冲击着可穿戴智能设备市场,大有抢占先机的架势。不过要论智能手表,三星、Pebble其实算不上先驱,今天文章主角厂商索尼早在2010年就已经涉足智能手表概念产品领域,当时还叫索尼爱立信的时候,他们推出过一款名为live view的袖珍手机遥控器,通过蓝牙与手机相连之后可以浏览智能手机产品中的短信、通话记录,并能够控制音乐播放以及接收网络社交信息,而它的终极造型就 是一块手表。  峰回路转,2012年索尼通过回购的方式将“索尼爱立信”全部股份揽入怀中,尽管公司改了名字,但智能手表这条产品线依旧延续下来,在当年的CES上,索尼推出了旗下第一款真正意义上的智能手表产品Smartwatch,相比live view,Smartwatch在功能上更强大,可以安装超过200个的小工具,在保留了所有的live view的功能之外,Smartwatch还支持SNS等互联网产品的信息推送。而在今年,索尼推出了旗下第二款智能手表产品,定名Smartwatch 2。  屏幕变大,更像手表了  智能手表的概念在今年被热炒,GALAXYGear、Pebble之类的产品在不断冲击着可穿戴智能设备市场,大有抢占先机的架势。不过要论智能手表,三星、Pebble其实算不上先驱,今天文章主角厂商索尼早在2010年就已经涉足智能手表概念产品领域,当时还叫索尼爱立信的时候,他们推出过一款名为liveview的袖珍手机遥控器,通过蓝牙与手机相连之后可以浏览智能手机产品中的短信、通话记录,并能够控制音乐播放以及接收网络社交信息,而它的终极造型就是一块手表。  拿到这款索尼Smartwatch 2真算是废了九牛二虎之力,因为国内的行货相比全球市场要晚,因此见到这块手表的时候,已经是2013年12月的事情了。相比目前市面上的智能手表产品而言,索尼的Smartwatch 2在我看来应该是“最像手表的智能手表”产品,没有过分夸张的设计,大小也相对合适,唯一有点遗憾的是,由于内部的电路限制,这块手表的厚度不甚理想。  相比一代产品,SmartWatch 2增加了屏幕的面积,从之前的1.42英寸提升到了1.6英寸,可视面积更大意味着你不需要再像一代时推送文字信息的时候 “很专注”的看表盘显示的文字。同时更人性化的改变在于二代优化了手表的接口,如果用过一代SmartWatch的人一定还对那个闹心的夹子接口记忆犹新,而在SmartWatch 2上,索尼将接口变为了标准的MicroUSB,使得二代手表的连接和充电的过程更加简单。  Smartwatch 2更趋近于普通手表的另一个改变在于表带,此次表带和表盘是相连的,不再像一代一样是分开的。同时这次SmartWatch 2还给了用户两种表带材质的选择,硅胶表带比较柔软,而金属表带比较的商务,行货定价方面硅胶表带的SmartWatch 2比金属表带要便宜200元,硅胶表带和一代的时候一样有五种颜色可选。  当然也不全是改进,SmartWatch之前有一个问题在SmartWatch 2上没有得到解决,这就是通话,这块手表是没有耳机接口或者独立的mic+扬声器的,因此通话的时候必须借助第三个产品“耳机”来实现,索尼提供了和一代时相同的解决方案“立体声蓝牙耳机”,听歌、语音通话等都要依靠它来完成,这倒是也迎合了解放双手的概念。  NFC加入使得连接更便捷  和三星的Galaxy Gear类似,索尼也将NFC功能引入到SmartWatch 2中,不同的是,Gear将NFC内置在外接充电外壳上,而SmartWatch 2则将NFC内置在手表里,相对前者更加方便,配对的过程很简单。拿我使用的索尼Xperia Z1来说,将手机的NFC打开,直接用机身背面的NFC区域碰触手表的背面即可。之后手机会自动提示下载连接软件,安装后就可以正常使用手表的所有功能。  值得一提的是,Smart Connect软件就是标准的APK文件,同时SmartWatch 2的工作都是通过蓝牙来完成,因此在选择手机的时候并不存在门槛。你不需要必须选择索尼的手机,我测试了三星、OPPO、华为的Android手机,都可以正常使用索尼SmartWatch 2,只不过在匹配的过程中没有索尼的手机那么顺畅。比如OPPO的N1在测试的时候会出现下载Smart Connect系统报错的情况,需要手动安装。单就适配性一点来看,Smartwatch 2相比三星的Gear有优势一些,后者目前还只能使用在自家为数不多的几款产品上。  功能多样化但严重依赖手机  SmartWatch 2在整机的界面风格上和上一代产品基本上没有太多的差别,整体的风格接近传统的手机屏幕,因此在操作的适应性方面不存在太多的障碍,上手简单是SmartWatch 2给我留下的第一印象。  和目前主流的智能手表类似,索尼SmartWatch 2也暂时无法脱离手机独立使用,在不连接手机的情况下,这块手表只能进行一些基础工作,比如手表或者闹钟。可以这么说,在不连接手机的情况下,SmartWatch 2更像是一款腕带产品。  而在连接手机之后,SmartWatch 2的用处将得到质的提升,比如查看通话记录,查看短信和邮件,查看天气以及日历等等,索尼官方给出的数据显示SmartWatch 2可以支持200多项小工具的安装,不过目前由于这款智能手表处在刚刚发售的状态,因此软件数量还比较少,不过手机的基本功能则已经可以通过手表来实现。  由于手表本身没有通话和拍照功能,因此通过手表无法单独完成这些操作,索尼也想到了这一点,在手表上点击相应功能之后,可以开启手机的拨号界面或者是拍照界面,而使用手表拨号或者拍照后,后续的工作就要依靠手机来完成。  从功能上来讲,我个人认为这块手表最重要的核心任务是消息通知,或者说目前所有无法脱离手机单独工作的智能手表的核心价值都是消息通知,手表让你摆脱了必须依靠手机收发信息的时代,解放双手。在加载相应的插件之后,索尼SmartWatch 2可以实现短信、邮件、社交网络等消息的实时推送,而这些信息内容能完整的显示在表盘上。  尽管SmartWatch 2在设计上采用的极简设计语言让这块智能手表的造型并非那样出位,不过出自索尼之手的SmartWatch 2延续了手机上的一项特性——防水。这块手表支持IP57级防水防尘。这意味着它允许短暂放入1米深的水中,时间可长达30分钟,而不会出现故障。我对手表进行了短时间的浸泡测试,安全性没有问题。当然谁也不会傻到在泡澡的时候把一块手表带进浴缸,简单的防水可以保证你在洗手或者洗脸的时候,不需要摘掉你的SmartWatch 2,这可能是这块手表防水最大的意义所在吧。  总体来说Smartwatch 2没有脱离手机遥控器的本质,不过好的方面是作为索尼第二代的智能手表,Smartwatch 2可以实现的功能越来越多了,目前Smartwatch 2可以玩游戏、可以接收Gmail、再或者是可以订阅RSS等信息,甚至可以查看人人网以及新浪微博,而SNS属性将在未来会有更多的发展空间,索尼会将智能手表塑造成另一个社交网络的终端产品。  续航时间令人惊喜  尽管屏幕只有1.6英寸大,但是对于电池孱弱的智能手表来讲,屏幕依旧是耗电大户,索尼很明显想到了这一点,在屏幕的选材方面,索尼选用了半透半反液晶屏,它有一个好处便是当手表处于阳光下等光线充足的地方,屏幕仅仅使用发射光显示屏幕上的内容,这对于省电有非常大的帮助。  同时为了实现手表本身的基本属性,索尼在SmartWatch 2的待机状态中下了不少功夫,手表在待机状态下,屏幕会熄灭背光灯,但因为半反半透屏幕的特性,即使在没有背光的情况下依旧可以看清屏幕上显示的时间,这样的设计即完成了省电的要求,同时又实现了手表的基本功能。  得益于屏幕省电方案的完美解决,索尼这块SmartWatch 2的续航时间才是让我感到惊讶的真正所在,根据索尼官方给出的数据,这块手表的使用时间在3-4天,而在我使用的两周时间里,在不连接手机的状态下,手表的续航时间可以达到8天,而在连接手机之后,SmartWatch 2的续航时间也有4天之久,相比目前市场上那些续航2天的智能手表而言,SmartWatch 2应该算是生命力顽强的代表了。  总结  和目前市面上大多数的智能手表类似,索尼的SmartWatch 2算不上完全的智能产品,这基本上是目前主流智能手表的基调,无法脱离手机成为制约智能手表发现的问题之一,甚至为了实现相对全面的功能,智能手表也可能出现一些不人性化的操作模式。很明显,智能手表还需要进步和发展,何时能摆脱手机遥控器的宿命或许才是智能手表真正走向“智能化”的那一天。  不过回过头来看看索尼目前推出过的三款智能手表产品,live view单纯的只是通过蓝牙控制手机的遥控器、SmartWatch为了省电减小了产品体积,降低了用户体验,只有SmartWatch 2才真正的可以看到手表的概念,可以说索尼在逐渐完善它的智能手表产品,或许在明年或者后年的SmartWatch产品中,索尼会带给我们一款完全意义上的智能手表也不一定呢?
威锋网热门62至潮高科技智能手表推荐Cookoo智能手表  索尼SmartWatch 2  虽然竞争对手并不多,但不管怎么说索尼现在也都算是智能手表销售市场上的全球领导者。索尼在今年6月份推出了SmartWatch 2,希望藉此保住领先地位。  SmartWatch 2是作为智能手机的第二显示屏而设计的,可为文本信息、电子邮件、电话通话和社交媒体提供通知信息,此外还可作为取景器,能让用户通过与其相连接的智能手机来拍摄照片。对iPhone用户来说,不幸的是这种产品目前仅可兼容Android操作系统。而相比之下Android用户就要幸运多了,因为软件开发者一直都致力于开发可兼容SmartWatch的应用,目前已经开发出了大约400种,未来还将有更多。  早期采用者对这款产品的评测是,光滑的外观设计和可替换的腕带颇具吸引力,触摸屏和控制键的反应都比一代SmartWatch灵敏。但是,这款产品也被有些人批评为没什么新意。  售价:263美元  备选颜色:黑、黄、紫、青、粉
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