LG G3与htc one m8和lg g3

HTC One M8 for Windows vs LG G3 first look - 推酷
HTC One M8 for Windows vs LG G3 first look
Both HTC and LG are in the same boat of playing catchup, as they’re doing whatever they can to match Samsung’s pace in the Android sphere. Very recently, the LG G3 made some waves for its class-leading screen resolution, which was one of several standout features from the phone. As for veteran smartphone maker HTC, they’re bringing to market a Windows Phone powered version of its beloved HTC One M8. Since theis the new kid on the block, it’ll be intriguing to find out how it stacks against the formidable.In all honesty, we might not too ecstatic about the design of the HTC One M8 for Windows, mainly because it’s an exact facsimile to the Android one we’re all familiar with, but it still radiates a higher level of quality than that of the LG G3. Sure, LG has added a thin film of metal to the G3’s chassis, but it’s still relatively exudes the finish and feel of plastic. It’s a stark contrast to the sturdy brushed aluminum material that comprises the HTC One M8 for Windows. Naturally, the LG G3 earns the checkered flag for its thin and lightweight construction, but at the end of the day, when it comes down to pure design, we have to still shower the HTC One M8 for Windows with adulation for its stunning design, solid construction, and premium quality.
This isn’t too much of a shocker to us, seeing that HTC has done nothing to improve upon the display of the One M8 for Windows – more so when it’s the utilizing the same resolution and display technology as its Android counterpart. Sporting a 5-inch 1080 x 1920 Super LCD-3 display, we can’t complain a whole lot about the screen of the HTC One M8 for Windows, since it’s appropriately spec’d and has several polished elements to it. However, the LG G3’s larger 5.5-inch 1440 x 2560 IPS-LCD based display is more profound for its crazy-to-believe resolution. Looking at the two displays closely, and we mean very closely, we can clearly make out the sharper look of the LG G3’s display – albeit, most people wouldn’t be too concerned by it, as the display of the HTC One M8 for Windows is still crisp and sharp on its own.
HTC can do only so much to enhance the Windows Phone 8.1.1 experience on its new phone, but for the most part, we feel as though that LG’s customized Android experience bears a cleaner look. Well, there’s no arguing that Windows Phone has this very lively and dynamic look, but the refreshing nature presented to us with LG’s customized Android experience is just more potent in gaining our attention. Not only does it feature one heck of a slick looking interface, one that’s sprinkled with this modernized feel, but it just offers more software features. For example, the multi-tasking element is no doubt more enhanced with the LG G3 – allowing us to get more stuff done.
To be fair, though, we haven’t spent a whole lot of time checking out the enhancements HTC has added to the Windows Phone experience – like its new HTC BlinkFeed and HTC Camera apps. Therefore, we’ll be reserved for now in our judgments until we can get a grip for what it has to offer.
Processor and Memory
On the surface, these two prized stallions match one another with their performances – even though the LG G3 has a slight advantage when we look at their specs. In particular, the HTC One M8 for Windows features a quad-core 2.3GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 SoC coupled with 2GB, which is a tandem that’s capable of handling any processor intensive tasks. Interesting enough, though, the LG G3 is equipped with the same Snapdragon 801 chipset – though, it benefits in the specs department for its slightly higher clocked speed of 2.5GHz, and its 3GB of RAM. Specs aside, the two seem to match one another with their performances.
Presenting us with 32GB of internal storage at the very least, it’s a tally we feel as being sufficient for most people. Still, there’s room for expansion thanks to their microSD card slots, but we prefer the easier access of the LG G3’s slot.
At the moment, we can only speculate on how the quality of the 4-megapixel “Ultrapixel” camera of the HTC One M8 for Windows can compare to the 13-megapixel camera of the LG G3. In our most recent photo comparison article, we already know how formidable the LG G3 really is in the camera department, as it’s able to easily eclipse the Android-powered HTC One M8. Still, we’re hopeful that HTC’s new offering can show us some improvements somewhere, seeing that we’re very inclined to say from the onset that details might once again be an issue.
LG has focused a lot of its attention in developing a truly outstanding Android powered smartphone, and the LG G3 is the result of all of that. It’s indeed a true powerhouse in the sense, as the high-flying specs in tow with it are able to raise a few eyebrows in the process. Well, HTC is doing the same thing by outing a high-end Windows Phone – the HTC One M8 for Windows. It’s different in some ways, yet familiar in others, but the ruling is still out on whether it has enough appeal to take away some of the light from the LG G3.
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> 独特背部设计 LG G3对比HTC M8照曝光
独特背部设计 LG G3对比HTC M8照曝光
手机中国【原创】作者:手机中国 许华责任编辑:孟滨日 16:38
  【中国 新闻】年度旗舰明日就会登场,有关该旗舰的曝光信息仍在不断流出。在提前曝光一组官方保护套的之后,越南网站再次曝光了一张LG G3跟 的对比照。
LG G3对比照
  从这张照片中,我们可以看到LG G3跟HTC旗舰在尺寸方面有明显的区别,LG G3采用5.5英寸屏,而其对手HTC One 仅为5英寸。
  同时,我们还可以看到LG G3全新的光速自动对焦辅助灯。传闻这个光速辅助灯可帮助更快更准确的对焦物体,感兴趣的朋友明天可以留意一下这个功能。据称,该功能在旧版的手机中曾出现过,不过这近些年没有厂商使用过这项技术,这也将成为LG G3的一大特点。
LG G3谍照(戴上保护套)
  不过,LG G3最大的亮点肯定是它将采用的更为清晰细腻的2K屏,分辨率为级别。其他的配置还包括,2.5GHz骁龙801处理器、210万像素前置+1300万像素后置摄像头、3000毫安时电池容量以及2GB/3GB运行内存+32GB机身存储组合(最大支持128GB)。
  LG G3将于北京时间明天上午9点在韩国首尔举行发布会,敬请关注。
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HTC M8和LG G3功能对比 旗舰之间的对决
HTC M8和LG G3功能对比 旗舰之间的对决
HTC M8和LG G3功能对比 旗舰之间的对决 HTC M8在4月初上市,很快就受到了用户的关注和好评。而LG G3刚刚发布,还没有进入零售阶段。不过我们已经可以从官方的参数和发布会上的试玩等讯息,来对HTC M8以及LG G3进行一次简单的功能对比!
LG G3的一大亮点就是这块分辨率高达的5.5英寸显示屏,ppi同样高达538。与之相比,HTC One (M8)则更加保守,配备了分辨率为的5英寸显示屏,ppi为441。
LG G3机身更薄更宽
由于都是最新旗舰,所以在性能方面,两款手机硬件配置相差无几,都是业界的标杆之作。G3搭载了主频为2.5GHz的骁龙801四核处理器以及2GB RAM。M8同样配备了2GB RAM和骁龙801处理器,不过主频稍低,为2.3GHz。在ROM方面,两款机型都分为16GB和32GB两种版本,而且都配有microSD卡槽。不过LG官方表示,后续将会推出3GB RAM版本的G3,但该变种版本的其他配置是否有变动,目前还不得而知。
在过去M8和Galaxy S5的对比评测中,我们发现,尽管两款手机采用了相同的处理器,但是M8的实际表现要稍好于S5。所以尽管G3在处理器上要稍稍好于M8,但是实际性能如何,还有待于后续对比的检验。
LG G3摄像头像素更高
LG G3续航能力理论上更强
不过考虑到LG G3的屏幕分辨率更高,会对处理器造成一定的负担,因此两款手机的性能应该相差无几。
在设计方面,两款手机都有着强烈的个性,HTC M8金属一体化机身十分抢眼,而LG G3则主打轻薄。在摄像功能上,G3和M8也均有创新之处,一个有双摄像头,一个有激光对焦。所以综合而言,我们认为两款手机并未能明显分出高下,都无愧于各自年度旗舰的称号。相信无论您选择哪一款,都会带来不俗的使用体验。
魅族MX4 Pro将在11月19日正式登场,2K分辨率+指纹识别,值得期待的国产智能旗舰。


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