2014喜力啤酒广告the city广告歌

他们是来自丹麦的The Asteroids Galaxy Tour 女主唱Mette Lindberg
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原标题: [合集]喜力啤酒广告歌网友:laerfu ( 少文§睿雅园笑忘居士【天-濑】) 不知大家有没看过风靡港台的Heineken(喜力,又译海尼根)啤酒广告。这支广告片中,一名男子在超市购物,忽然间他看见女明星Jennifer Aniston(珍妮佛安妮丝顿)所饰演的**女子在他附近想要拿架上的Heineken啤酒,却因为身高不够拿不到,男子目光在她身上稍作停留,接著走上前去,轻轻松松拿下了啤酒,珍妮佛面露微笑,正准备接下男子手中的Heineken,谁知男子竟迳自带著两瓶啤酒转身扬长而去,留下一脸愕然的女主角站在原地。这就是喜力。Heineken,Never Settle For Less.广告所配歌曲是60年代美国流行乐电影“**乍现”主题曲--Happy Together ,原唱TheTurtles。歌词如下:Happy Together by The Turtles Lyrics Imagine me and you I do I think about you day and night It is s only right To think about the girl you love And hold her tight So happy together If I should call you up In vast of time And you said you belonged to me And ease my mind Imagine how the world could be So very fine So happy together I can is t seem to be loving nobody but you For all my life When you is re with me Baby the skies would be blue For all my life Me and you And you and me No matter how they toss the dice It had to be The only one for me is you, and you for me So happy together I can is t seem to be loving nobody but you For all my life When you is re with me Baby the skies would be blue For all my life Me and you And you and me No matter how they toss the dice It had to be The only one for me is you, and you for me So happy together Me and you And you and me No matter how they toss the dice It had to be The only one for me is you, and you for me So happy together So happy together How is the weather? So happy together We is re happy together So happy together So happy together So happy together So happy together 网友:fairy810810 (bb~水晶婆婆??) 呵呵【 在 laerfu 的大作中提到: 】: : 不知大家有没看过风靡港台的Heineken(喜力,又译海尼根)啤酒广告。: 这支广告片中,一名男子在超市购物,忽然间他看见女明星Jennifer Aniston(珍妮?.: 丝顿)所饰演的**女子在他附近想要拿架上的Heineken啤酒,却因为身高不够拿不?.: 子目光在她身上稍作停留,接著走上前去,轻轻松松拿下了啤酒,珍妮佛面露微笑,..: 备接下男子手中的Heineken,谁知男子竟迳自带著两瓶啤酒转身扬长而去,留下一脸..: 的女主角站在原地。: 这就是喜力。Heineken,Never Settle For Less.: 广告所配歌曲是60年代美国流行乐电影“**乍现”主题曲--Happy Together ,?.: heTurtles。: : 歌词如下:: : Happy Together by The Turtles Lyrics : : : Imagine me and you : I do : I think about you day and night : It is s only right : (以下引言省略...)网友:echodo (dodo) 啤酒里面最喜欢喜力啦……网友:Etesians (日出●没印象) 广告是不错网友:b (◆幸福摩天轮◆ ) 喜力越喝越来劲~~【 在 laerfu 的大作中提到: 】: : 不知大家有没看过风靡港台的Heineken(喜力,又译海尼根)啤酒广告。: 这支广告片中,一名男子在超市购物,忽然间他看见女明星Jennifer Aniston(珍妮?.: 丝顿)所饰演的**女子在他附近想要拿架上的Heineken啤酒,却因为身高不够拿不?.: 子目光在她身上稍作停留,接著走上前去,轻轻松松拿下了啤酒,珍妮佛面露微笑,..: 备接下男子手中的Heineken,谁知男子竟迳自带著两瓶啤酒转身扬长而去,留下一脸..: 的女主角站在原地。: 这就是喜力。Heineken,Never Settle For Less.: 广告所配歌曲是60年代美国流行乐电影“**乍现”主题曲--Happy Together ,?.: heTurtles。: : 歌词如下:: : Happy Together by The Turtles Lyrics : : : Imagine me and you : I do : I think about you day and night : It is s only right : (以下引言省略...)相关推荐:
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Super -&Worth the Walt&The commercial opens on a man on the phone trying to make a reservation in one of the most fashionable and exclusive restaurants in town. The maltre'd on the other end says that he can fit him, but only in 6 months.&&&&
Super: Six months later.&&&&Now the man walks into the exclusive restaurant with his girlfriend. The waiter approaches his table and asks if he wants a drink. He asks for two Heinekens. The drinks arrive and they begin to drink then. The waiter comes back a moment later. He tells them the specials and passes each of them a menu. He then asks then what they would like. As he does this they finish their glasses of Heineken and tell the waiter they want the bill only. The waiter and the maitre&d are shocked at this response. But the couple are more than satisfied and leave the restaurant to the astonishment of the staff.&&&&
Tag line: It could only be Heineken.&
字幕:&值得一等&&这个电视广告以一位男士打电话作为开始画面,他正试图在市中心一家最时髦的高级饭店预订餐位。接电话的The maltre'd&说可以满足这位男士的要求,但是要等到六个月以后&&&
字幕:&六个月以后&&现在这位男士同他的女友走进这家高级饭店。侍者走近桌子问他需要什么,他点了两杯喜力。啤酒上来之后,他们就品味起来。过了一会儿,侍者返回桌前,告知他们该店的特色菜肴并递上菜单询问他们想点什么菜。此时,这一对情侣已喝尽了杯中的喜力啤酒,告诉侍者现在他们只想买单。侍者和the maitre'd被这个答复惊呆了。在店员们的惊讶之中,这对情侣心满意足地离开了饭店。&
Heineken TVC Script&
Super -&Tour group&&&&&This commercial is set in a cosmopolitan city. We see a group of tourists who are following a tour group leader. The leader is holding a little flag in the air. They are closely following him listening to all his interesting commentary about the city sights. Up ahead we see a Heineken bar. They are about to walk past it when a bus passes in front of them. After it passes we see that the tour group leader walks on, although his group have strangely disappeared. He continues walking and talking, thinking that his group is still behind him.&&&&
Tag line: It could only be Heineken.&&&&&&&
Super -&Light out&&&&&&This commercial is set I a bar. It's a very stormy night. Lighting, thunder and heavy rain. A man and his girlfriend are sitting at the bar. The man has a full glass of Heineken in front of him. The thunder and lightning get worse and without warning there is a blackout. There is slight panic, but the lights come back on just a few seconds later. When they do, the man notices that half his beer has been drunk. He is quite annoyed and suspects the man sitting next to him. He glares at him suspiciously. Now we pan wider and while he continues glaring at the man he suspects, we see his girlfriend who has a white moustache above her lip (made up of beer foam of course).&
Tag line: It could only be Heineken.&
super & &Domestic Argument&&&&&We see a man suffering the abuse of his wife as she hurls various objects at him. Many of these are valuable items which he ducks or catches. Suddly the only object left within reach is a can of Heineken and we can see the horror on his face as his wife reaches for it.&&&&Instead of throwing it however she opens the can and drinks it thus punishing him in a way far more effective way than any pain she might have inflected by hitting in with a flying object.&&&&
TAGLINE: It could only be Heineken.&
Super &&Conversation&&&&&In a crowded,&&live bar, two men are sitting together people watching. Like many friends, their mutual c they don't really feel the need to speak. Nevertheless, with these guys, a glance can say a lot.&In another corner of the bar, a pool game is being played. One of the players pulls off a brilliant shot, and our two guys exchange a look that seems to say, &Nice shot&.&At the entrance to the bar, a guy walks in with a ridiculous suit on. Our two guys -------&Finally, a young, extremely attractive woman walks right past our two guys, and they exchange a look that seems to say, &Yes, that's a good looking woman&.&&&&
Over this, a super appears:&
SUPER: As natural as conversation.&
TAGLINE: It could only be Heineken.&
As natural as&&&&&&
&Rain&&&&&A man is caught in a sudden rainstorm without an umbrella. He's getting soaked, so he decides to duck into a bar to sit out the weather.&&&&He sits down and orders a Heineken. After the bottle arrives, he begins to wring himself dry. Whatever sharp creases the guy had that morning are now long gone.&&&&Suddenly a young woman walks in under much the same circumstances. She walks up to the bar, orders a Heineken and begins the process of trying to dry out.&&&&The man and the woman look at each other's pathetic state. The man looks as though he's about to say something but doesn't need to. The two of them share a laugh because their shared condition is understood.&&&&Over this, a super appears:&&&&SUPER:&&As natural as rain.&&&&TAG LINE: Heineken.&&&&&&&30(秒)电视广告创意(3.1)&
As natural as&&&
In a bar, two young women are enjoying some Heinekens and talking. We can tell by their body language and facial expressions that the conversation is quite descriptive, intimate and graphic.&&&While the young women talk, the camera tracks past their table to find two young men just around the corner, each with a Heineken, eavesdropping on the girl's conversation.&&&&From the men's expressions, we can tell that what they are overhearing is reaching its most interesting point. Just at that moment, a blender starts going at the bar. The men can't signal to the bartender to kill the blender, but to no avail.&&&&By the time the blender is done, the woman's story is over. We can see her girlfriend's face reflecting the fact that the story must have been fantastic.&&&&Cutting back to the men, we can see their agony over having missed the best part.&&&&Over this, a super appears:&&&&SUPER: As natural as curiosity.&&&&TAG LINE: Heineken.&&&&30(秒)电视广告创意(3.2)&
As natural as&
&&&&&Teamwork&&&&&we open on two men conducting some sort of business deal in a noisy bar. Besides their Heinekens, there is a contract on the table that they are preparing to sign.&&&&The table where they are sitting has a pronounced wobble. It is endangering their contracts and their beers.&&&&They decide that, for the safety of their contract, they should stabilize the table, so they pick up things like coasters, sugar packets and spoons and duck under their wobbling table .&&&&We can't see them, but we watch the table top jiggle as they repair its uneven base.&&&&Now satisfied that it is fixed, they relax and finish signing their contract. A happy moment.&&&&Over this, a super appears:&&&&SUPER: As natural as teamwork. Heineken.&&&&Suddenly, a man balancing plates of food for a neighboring table stumbles. The plates head right for the contract. We cut&&away before impact.&&&&30(秒)电视广告创意(3.3)&
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