
preclude prevent 阻止 有区别吗?_百度知道
preclude prevent 阻止 有区别吗?
严肃的场合,意为“阻止某事物怎么样”。 2)preclude后接名词或动名词形式;而prevent却随便的多,还可以后接介词from引导的短语,它们的区别在于 1)preclude比较正式些;而prevent除此之外, 仅供你参考,多用于很正式。
  论文关键词:词汇 词汇搭配 词汇教学
  论文摘 要:词汇具有很强的搭配能力,利用英语词汇搭配,可以扩大词汇量,掌握单词的正确用法。但是,中国英语学习者在词汇搭配使用过程中,却存在很多问题。本文分析了词汇搭配中存在的主要问题,并提出教师在教授词汇时,如何引导和帮助学生正确地掌握词汇搭配的方法,提高词汇教学质量。&      词汇搭配是综合能力的重要组成部分。在生活的绝大多数场合,人们通过正确的词汇组合,恰当合理的语言表达,从而完整地反映客观世界,表达主体思想,达到成功交际的目的。然而,一些英语学习者,虽然有很大的词汇量,却不能恰当完整地表达自己想要表达的意思。在口语和中,词汇的误用也屡见不鲜。词汇搭配问题仍然是第二语言习得中最棘手的问题之一。本文首先分析、归纳词汇搭配中存在的主要问题,找出产生这些问题的根源;然后提出一些能够减少词汇搭配错误的教学方法,从而提高词汇的教学质量。      一、词汇搭配的理论依据      虽然搭配的概念已被广泛使用,但是学术界的定义不尽相同。朱永生(1996)认为,搭配既与词汇有关,也与句法有关,但搭配现象中最重要、也是最值得注意的是不同词汇或不同成分之间的语义联系[1]。Joos认为,一个词的全部可能的搭配对语言学家来说实质上就是该词的意义[2]。Firth认为,理解一个词要看它与其他词语之间的相互联系,意义存在于语言中,“意义取决于搭配是组合平面上的一种抽象,它和‘概念’上或‘思维’上分析词义的方法不是直接相关的。”[3]   汪榕培(2002)认为,搭配是语言中一个词与别的词的习惯上的连用[3]。Lewis给搭配下的定义是:一种易于观察的语言现象,其构成元素在自然的语篇中同时出现,且同现频率的固定性大于随意性[4]。Khellmer(1995)认为我们大脑中的许多词汇都是以搭配的形式存在的。搭配是词与词或词组与词组之间经常使用的一种关系[5]。   由此可见,搭配体现的是词汇的共现,搭配和意义紧密相连、相互依存、相互限制,搭配决定着语义。搭配是构成词汇意义的重要手段。      二、中习者在词汇搭配使用中存在的主要问题      词汇搭配能力是语言综合能力的表现,关系到二语习得的成败。但是由于英汉两种语言属于不同的语系,词汇的搭配组合习惯往往各不相同,因而在英语的词汇学习中,中国英语学习者存在着很多搭配问题。具体的搭配问题可以归纳为以下几类:   1.汉英式搭配   国内外许多学者认为,一般的学习者都摆脱不了母语思维的影响。用母语的语法组织外语的句子是个非常普遍的现象,即使学习或使用多年外语的人也未必能摆脱母语句法规则的影响,而且完成的外语任务越难,对母语的依赖性越大[6]。受的影响,很多二语学习者在进行词汇搭配时,容易用汉语的思维模式把汉语中的词汇对等地成英语。例如,在中国人心目中,猴子是智商极高的动物,所以汉语中说某人聪明,可以用“像猴子一样精”,所以有的学生就翻译成:He is as wise as a monkey.但是这却不符合英美人的表达习惯,正确的表达应是:He is as wise as an owl.   2. 语义重复   汉语为了表示强调,常常重复被强调部分来增强语气,例如,“再三重复”、“返回”、“我的名字叫”等,但这在英语中就行不通。有些学生则忽视这种情况,造成词义重复,如“repeat again and again, return back, my name is called”。再如,We ran to the playground, only to find it covered with white snow.在英美人的概念中“snow”本身就含有“white”的含义,“white”与“snow”搭配,词义明显重复,不符合英美人的搭配习惯。   3.褒贬不分   英语中有些词经常与表示积极意义的词搭配,如brilliantly, remarkably, wonderfully等,而dangerously, deadly, desperately, seriously等词经常与表示消极意义的形容词连用。例如,They have all utterly recommended the boy, but the mayor denied his opportunity.此句中“utterly recommend”便是错误的搭配。   4.词类混淆   在词汇搭配中,既存在统一词性内相近词的混淆,又存在词性的混淆使用。同一词性内拼写相近的词混淆使用如respectable, respective与 surprising与 reliant与及近义词receive与purchase与buy等的混淆使用。不同词性的单词混淆使用,如affect与 intent与intend等的误用。另外,英语中有些动词既可用作及物动词,后面跟宾语,又可用作不及物动词,后面不可跟宾语。此时,它们也会有不同的词义。如:“wonder”作不及物动词时,意为“想知道”,作及物动词时意为“诧异”;“defer”当不及物动词用时,意为“推迟”,作及物动词时意思是“依从”。词类混淆使用还表现在名词单复数的误用上。由于分不清可数名词、不可数名词和集体名词而造成的搭配错误随处可见,如a furniture, a group of birds 等。   5. 过度概括   例如:1)His father was charged of theft and put into prison.   2)They need plenty of drink, not plenty of food.   因为教学过程中教师有意强调了“be accused of”词组,学生印象很深刻,“accuse”与“charge”又是同义词,所以错误地认为“be charged”与“of”搭配也是成立的。英美人会用“plenty of food and drink”,也可以用“plenty of food”但就是不用“plenty of drink”,这一点从语义上是行得通的,语法上也正确,形容   词短语后加名词。但是,“plenty of”的引申范围没有涉及“drink”。      三、词汇教学方法      词汇习得贯穿于的始终,熟练掌握各种词汇搭配关系对提高综合英语语用水平有至关重要的作用。针对词汇搭配中存在的主要问题,笔者结合自己的教学经历,提出以下词汇教学方法。   1. 强调各种搭配关系   学生之所以会在词汇搭配中出现以上问题,其中一个重要原因是在大脑词库中没有建立起丰富的词汇网络,导致了在提取所需要的单词时,还要经过加工合成,或者对等翻译等,结果往往会给人一种牵强附会、词不达意的感觉。因此,在词汇教学中,不仅要求学生有丰富的词汇量,熟悉每个单词,而且还要掌握单词之间的搭配关系。正如武雪霜所说“词汇教学的重点应放在帮助学生科学地记忆和灵活地使用词汇上。”[7]英语中有不少词是以中心词为媒介相互发生联系的。例如,以名词为中心词的搭配,主要涉及到形容词与名词的搭配,动词与名词的搭配。例如,以affair为中心词,就可以引申出如下搭配:(1)形容词+名词:current /household /internal/ domestic / foreign /international/ financial /(2)动词+名词:to arrange one’s affairs, to conduct state affairs , to cover up/handle/ investigate/manage/straighten out an affair, to discuss the affair of等。在巩固中心词affair用法的同时,又可以扩展出修饰它的形容词和动词的用法,而且还可以对这些形容词和动词的搭配关系继续展开,词汇量就不断扩大。
  在搭配中,还可以以旧代新,用已学过的旧知识来解决新知识。例如,看到provide...with能用offer...to来解释。同时,要特别注意固定搭配的用法。单词放在固定搭配里记忆的效果要比孤立地去记好得多。例如,以make为中心词的搭配就有make away with / for / into / of / off / out / up等。还可以分模块掌握搭配,如表示“阻止、妨碍……做……”的就有prevent / keep / stop / prohibit / deter / hinder / preclude... from...等。再如,中有些“A+B”与“B+A”式的词组:for good / hand in / in hand等,可以把它们单列出来记忆。这样既可以扩充词汇量,又可以辨别它们的用法,一举两得。   在词汇教学中,英语教师应特别强调以名词、动词、形容词和副词为中心词的搭配,因为这一类词的搭配能力特别强。   2. 用对比法进行词汇教学   在英语学习过程中,往往不可避免地受到母语的影响,即迁移。正迁移有利于英语学习,负迁移则阻碍学习。英语中大量的词语搭配在中都可以直接地对译,这些不需要教。而那些在第一语言中不能直接对译的词,就需要抽出来加以特别强调,以减少由于汉语的影响而产生的搭配错误。例如,学习知识learn knowledge;提出问题raise a request;公费医疗 the public medical care 就是由于受母语干扰而引起的,此时需要英汉对比教学。   此外,还要对比英汉词汇的内涵。有些词虽然概念意义相同或相近,但其内涵意义却相差甚远。例如汉语中的“龙”是“祥瑞、权力、神异”的象征,而在英语中,“龙”则象征着“邪恶”。造成这种现象的原因与语言的文化背景是有很大的关系的。学习外语时,若不注意目的语词的内涵意义与母语相应的词的内涵意义之间的差异,也会出现词汇层面的负迁移。   3. 结合语境进行词汇教学   语言是一个大系统,处在这个系统中的词汇不是孤立存在的,它们相互联系,相互制约。词汇的意义取决于它与其它词语的组合与搭配或联结。因此,要正确解和运用词汇,就要注意它与其它词的搭配组合关系以及相对应的语境。   英语中有一些语义对应词 (ambivalent words),即具有正反两方面含义的词语。例如,learn既可表示“学习”,又可表示“教导,教训”;nice既可表示“好的,宜人的”,又可表示“坏的,令人不愉快的”;overlook既可表示“忽视(略)”,也可表示“监督,”;英语句子“He is my despair.”同样有两个相反的含义:(a)他坏得让我一筹莫展;(b) 他好得让我望尘莫及。这些都要靠上下文的搭配才能揭示其正确的含义。此外,英语中的非常规搭配也需要一定的语境知识?能正确理解其含义。   4. 利用语料库进行词汇教学   近些年来,语料库对词汇教学产生了重大的影响。基于语料库的词汇研究不仅可以帮助教师选择教学内容、安排教学的次序、找出教学重点,还可以帮助教师避免选择过时的表达法。如搭配“rain cats and dogs”在现代英语中(至少在现代英国英语中)几乎不再使用。Rundell (1995)发现在BNC的1000万词的口语库中,这个搭配一次也没有出现过,而在9000万词的书面语库中也只出现过一次。但是每本词典都收录了这一搭配,大多数英语教师都知道这一搭配,这样就面临着一个教学内容的选择问题。有了基于语料库的词频,我们就知道哪些词汇及其用法需要掌握,需要在教学中投入更多的时间[8]。      四、结语      英语的词汇搭配形式多样,搭配关系十分复杂,要掌握并正确运用各种搭配关系不是一件容易的事。这就需要教师在平时的中,利用各种不同的词汇教学方式进行引导、帮助学生有意识地去训练词汇的各种搭配关系,并不断地归纳、。同时,要注意一些搭配的文化内涵,并利用多种语境来帮助学生掌握词汇的用法,以提高词汇教学质量。      参考文献:   [1]朱永生.搭配的语义基础和搭配研究的实际意义[J].外国语,1996.   [2]王寅.语义理论与语言教学[M].上海外语出版社,2001.   [3]汪榕培.英语词汇学高级教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,2002.   [4]马海燕,杨连瑞.试论外语教学中的词汇法[J].高师英语教学与研究,2005.   [5]朱跃.语义论[M].北京大学出版社,2006.   [6]戴炜栋.束定芳.试论影响外语习得的若干重要因素[J].外国语,1994.   [7]武雪霜.谈词汇习得的认知规律与词汇教学[J].教育与职业,2006.   [8]谢元花.语料库与词汇研究[J].外语教学,2002.   [9]孙友义.英语词语聚焦[M].地震出版社,2001.   [10]刘晓红.联想式英语教学法[J].外语与外语教学,1999.   [11]杨廷君,李跃平.英语词汇联想式教学法:理论与实践[J].西藏大学学报,2007.   [12]梁莉.搭配理论在英语词汇教学中的运用[J].华中师范大学学报,2006.   [13]Rod Ellis. Understanding Second Language Acquisition[M]. 上海外语教育出版社,1994.   [14]司云伟. 词汇搭配及搭配不当实例分析[D].延边大学,2003. --博才网
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嫩模Camila海边比基尼大片 性感迷人
嫩模Gigi内衣写真 慵懒性感闺房诱惑
树蛙上演蛙版宫斗 争夺树枝“秀肌肉”
• 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.preclude - definition of preclude by The Free Dictionary /preclude
preclude Also found in: , , .
pre·clud·ed, pre·clud·ing, pre·cludes 1.
To make impossible, as by act prevent. See Synonyms at .2.
To exclude or prevent (someone) from a given condition or activity: Modesty precludes me from accepting the honor.[Latin praeclūdere : prae-, pre- + claudere, to close.]pre·clu′sion (-klo͞o′zhən) n.pre·clu′sive (-klo͞o′sĭv, -zĭv) adj.pre·clu′sive·ly adv.preclude (prɪˈkluːd) vb (tr) 1. to exclude or debar2. to make impossible, esp beforehand[C17: from Latin praeclūdere to shut up, from prae in front, before + claudere to close] preˈcludable adj preclusion n preclusive adj preˈclusively advpre•clude
-clud•ed, -clud•ing.
to prevent the prese make impossible:
evidence that precludes a conviction.
to exclude or debar:
Belief in free will precludes the acceptance of predestination.
[;20; & Latin praeclūdere to shut off =prae- - + -clūdere, comb. form of claudere to shut, ]
pre•clud′a•ble, adj.
(-ˈklu ʒən)
precludePast participle: precludedGerund: precludingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativeprecludeprecludePresentI precludeyou precludehe/she/it precludeswe precludeyou precludethey precludePreteriteI precludedyou precludedhe/she/it precludedwe precludedyou precludedthey precludedPresent ContinuousI am precludingyou are precludinghe/she/it is precludingwe are precludingyou are precludingthey are precludingPresent PerfectI have precludedyou have precludedhe/she/it has precludedwe have precludedyou have precludedthey have precludedPast ContinuousI was precludingyou were precludinghe/she/it was precludingwe were precludingyou were precludingthey were precludingPast PerfectI had precludedyou had precludedhe/she/it had precludedwe had precludedyou had precludedthey had precludedFutureI will precludeyou will precludehe/she/it will precludewe will precludeyou will precludethey will precludeFuture PerfectI will have precludedyou will have precludedhe/she/it will have precludedwe will have precludedyou will have precludedthey will have precludedFuture ContinuousI will be precludingyou will be precludinghe/she/it will be precludingwe will be precludingyou will be precludingthey will be precludingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been precludingyou have been precludinghe/she/it has been precludingwe have been precludingyou have been precludingthey have been precludingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been precludingyou will have been precludinghe/she/it will have been precludingwe will have been precludingyou will have been precludingthey will have been precludingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been precludingyou had been precludinghe/she/it had been precludingwe had been precludingyou had been precludingthey had been precludingConditionalI would precludeyou would precludehe/she/it would precludewe would precludeyou would precludethey would precludePast ConditionalI would have precludedyou would have precludedhe/she/it would have precludedwe would have precludedyou would have precludedthey would have precluded
Verb1.preclude - keep from
"My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"; "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project", , , ,
- make unnecessary an e "This will save money"; "I'll save you the trouble"; "This will save you a lot of time", , , , , , , , , ,
- preve pr "Let's avoid a confrontation"; "head off a confrontation"; "avert a strike", , , , , ,
- hinder or prevent the progress
"His brother blocked him at every turn", , , , , , , ,
- hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) "What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent", , ,
- stop from hap "Block his election"; "Halt the process"2.preclude - make impossible, especially beforehand, , ,
- do away withprecludeverb1. , put a stop to, , make impossible, make impracticable At 84, John feels his age precludes much travelling.2. , , , , , , , , ,
Poor English precluded them from ever finding a job.precludeverbTo prohibit from occurring by advance planning or action:, , , , , , ,
(off).Idiom: .
preclude [prɪˈkluːd] VT (= prevent) → ; [+ possibility] → this does not preclude the possibility of → esto no
de ...so as to preclude all doubt → para
cualquier we are precluded from doing that → nos
esopreclude [prɪˈkluːd] vt [possibility, discussion, chance] → to preclude sb from doing sth →
qchpreclude vt possibility → ; to preclude somebody from doing something →
zu ; to preclude something happening → die
preclude [prɪˈkluːd] (frm) vt (possibility) → , ; (misunderstanding, doubt) → non
awe are precluded from doing that → siamo
a farloto preclude sb from doing →
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Looking to the great difference between his station in life and hers, which seems to preclude all idea of the most distant relationship between them, it is of the last importance--even assuming that she really required to be placed under restraint--to know why HE should have been the person to assume the serious responsibility of shutting her up----" by
Lady Greystoke never rode alone at any great distance from the bungalow, and the savage loyalty of the ferocious Waziri warriors who formed a great part of Tarzan's followers seemed to preclude the possibility of a successful attempt at forcible abduction, or of the bribery of the Waziri themselves. by
The piece once cast, it must be bored with great precision, so as to preclude any possible windage. by
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