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& && &这个设计是在未来90年中,倡导食物储存的家用电器。我觉得对于冰箱的创新上可以在两个方面进行着手:一是从他的工作环境中进行创新,二是从他的结构功能上进行改进。根据市场调查很多家庭都是由于厨房太小,想着把冰箱放餐厅,但是知道冰箱放在地板上,每次开启时有轻微震动,长时间对地板不好,会有裂纹。还有就是放在实木地板上,因为冰箱是内部散热解霜冻的,出来的潮气会影响地板的使用寿命。就这样还得硬把冰箱塞进厨房了,再者就是放弃用木质地板装修餐厅。有的时候做家装效果图,最头疼得就是冰箱的摆放问题,它的占地面积比较大,很难与厨房融合起来。如果把冰箱设计成壁柜,这样就可以节省空间,解决了人们因厨房面积而带来的种种烦恼。
& & 随着人们对简约化设计的追求,厨房一体化设计更加吸引消费人群,把冰箱当成厨房里的壁柜来使用,既节省了空间又使得厨房设施更加的整体化,看起来更加的协调和美观。由于冰箱的外观颜色和款式需要与整体厨房相一致,这样我们可以对冰箱的装饰部位定为可变换式,这由消费者自己去选择可搭配的颜色或款式,这样更符合一体化的追求。
& &与商用、医用、科研用等特殊需要相比,家用电冰箱最主要的技术性能不是制冷而是保鲜。过大的冷冻力不仅要无谓地增加用户的开支,而且会破坏食品的内部组织,影响营养。特别是对于讲究色香味的中国家庭来说,防止食物变质只是最基本的需求,保鲜才是消费者购买冰箱时的第一需要。以后的日子人们会对食物的保鲜程度要求的更高,这款冰箱分层较一般冰箱多,可以满足消费者对每种食物进行分类放置,最大可能对食物进行保鲜,防止不同食物之间的串味问题。
& &这款冰箱还加入一个解冻层,对进行冷冻过食物的直接就可以解冻,更方便人们的生活。由于人们的生活习性和对食物的喜好的不同,所以人们对事物的需求量也大有不同,对每种类型食物的储存空间也大有差别。就针对中国消费者而言,食用蔬菜水果的比例较大,所以他们会根据自我需要去选用大的冷藏空间。所以这款冰箱的设计,采用大小不同的存储空间,用以达到最佳的使用效果。
& &冰箱门采取跟壁柜一样的设计,开门时只需轻轻往里一按,门就自动打开,中间夹层也会随之被轻轻自动移出来,关门时,只需轻轻往下或往上一推就自动关闭。夹层也随之被轻轻推进去,这就更方便使用者对其操作和使用了。中间颜色条采取触摸屏设计,分为两个部分,分别用来控制上下层的温度,控制栏里有菜单,菜单里用来对各种食物进行温度的设置,食物种类包括:谷类及薯类、动物性食物、豆类及其制品、蔬菜水果类、纯热能食物。当调整到某种食物类型,其触摸屏就会显示其食物类型(文字、简易图片)以及配以相应的颜色。
& &每一层冰箱的温度各不相同,它可以根据食物的不同自动进行调整温度,来达到食物最大程度上的保鲜。消费者可以根据自己的喜好和对食物的需求量进行分区放置自己的食物,冰箱总共分了10个领域,包括7个冷藏区,2个冷冻区,还有1个解冻区。这是整体组合配置,但是还可以根据厨房面积,装修方式或是个人喜好进行自由组配,只买两组或是三组均可以,它是一种组合式冰箱。
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& Comsenz Inc.请英语高手帮忙翻译毕业论文摘要,万分感谢!急!_百度知道
电子商务、全球化为主要特征的信息化社会已是不可逆转的趋势; 移动电子商务。移动电子商务的基础是互联网,电子商务化已成为企业发展的必由之路,而三者的有机结合更是未来社会的大势所趋、方便。而信息化社会的核心是互联网摘 要 随着科技的迅速发展、移动通信和电子商务。 关键词。本文对中国移动电子商务的发展和应用趋势与方向进行了阐述。它能完全根据消费者的个性化需求和喜好定制,设备的选择以及提供服务与信息的方式完全由用户自己控制,移动电子商务的主要特点是灵活、简单、知识管理,以网络化,传统的商务形式受到越来越大的冲击
因为关乎能否毕业,请不要用网络工具直译的,Thank you!
the Chinese mobile e-commerce development and application of the trend and direction are described. Mobile e-commerce is based on the Internet, as well as the provision of services and information by users themselves, traditional forms of business by increasing the impact to the network. In this paper, knowledge management. The information society is the core of the Internet, e-commerce has become the enterprise development The only way, and the organic integration of the three is a trend in the future, globalization, characterized the information society has become an irreversible trend, mobile communications and e-commerce. It solely on the basis of consumer demand for personalized and customized preferences, mobile e-commerce is the main characteristics of flexible, simple and convenient, equipment choices绝对没用什么工具 信不信由你With the rapid development of science and technology
In the key period of economic developmentAs the development of economic globalization, auditors integrity practice concept. To the east of financial fraud case of the era from financial fraud reason. This article from constantly perfect the construction of various regulations and increase investment in violation of the punishment system, means and the harm caused and preventive measures few一字一字打滴, the world economy gradually as a whole, strive to seek the aspects of financial fraud case will reduce way, also more daunting in the process. The current development situation we face than before the financial crisis than financial crises, cause serious harm, financial fraud but the long-standing, strengthen financial personnel, this is the market economy system construction development and good social ethos has very big effect
Whether a product can be succesfully introduced into the market and make profit for the enterprise, the packing and the promotion of the product are also necessary: advertisement design
advertisement creation
creation mode?
This paper
will explains the basic elments and detailed process of the advertisement. Lastly, it depends on not only the quality of the product itself. Besides it will prove that advertisement plan
plays an important role in the promotion of products, an excellent advertisement plan can make a second-class productto occupy a considerable share of the market, this paper will explain some phenomenon of advertisement and account for the advertisement
plan. Advertisement---the most direct and effcient way to present th product to the consumers.Key Words. It will also analysis the application of the advertisemetn plan of the promotion of the product with some pratical cases. Therefore, what is an excellant advertisement plan, it will give a comparative analysis of all kinds of modes of advertisement design and explore which mode is more suitable for the current development of the tendancy of the market. So. BesidesAbstract
Abstract A smooth-to-market products, and enterprises to create profits, in addition to their product quality, the product packaging and publicity is essential. Advertising - is the product display in front of consumers the most direct and effective means. A first-class advertising plan allows second-rate products have significant market share, then what is the best advertising creative planning? In this article, will explain the basic elements of advertising planning and
combination of actual cases of advertising campaign to promote th that first-class advertising creative planning in product promotion in a p...
【Abstract】A product can be successfully launched on the market, and to create profits, except for its product quality, product packaging and promotional indispensable. Advertising -- in consumer products is the most direct and efficient means before. A first-class planning the advertising can make the products have considerable second-rate market share, then what is the first-class creative advertising planning? In this paper, the basic elements of advertising planning and specific flow, Combined with practical example analysis of advertising planning in the application of the product promotion, Proof of first-class product promotion planning in crea...
abstract]Does a product whether smooth delivery market, and create the profit for the enterprise, besides own product quality, the product packing as well as propagandizes essentially. The advertisement - - is precisely is most direct the product development in front of the consumer the effective method. A first-class advertisement plan can let the second-class product have the considerable market to hold the volume, then what is the first-class advertisement creativity plan? In this paper, will elaborate the advertisement plan base element as well
Union realistic case analysis advertisement plan in product p ...
one with and one without a flocculation zone respectively,13], the PSD measurements showed a relatively good relationship. An example of including flocculation to improve the process performance in a biofilm-MBR is included to illustrate the potential of coupling flocculation with membrane processes [14].) was done with respect to several parameters and related to membrane performance (i, however, around membrane, pore plugging&#47. There are studies to be found in the literature that have investigated improved process performance by using flux-enhancing additives (i. fouling mitigation in MBR systems can potentially be done by coupling coagulation and flocculation to the process.e,12;FCOD and membrane performance. The significance of colloids and submicron particles on membrane fouling has been reported in literature where different estimations of the total measured fouling caused by these particles vary between 25% and 50% fo the total [10. Analysis of the water in the different flow streams (feedwater. A BF-MBR process with two different membrane reactors was investigated. There was no clear correlation found between values measured for SS and COD&#47, from biofilm reactorA major drawback of MBRsclogging by colloidal particles, which is common for all membrane systems [9], adsorption of soluble compounds and biofouling are some of the main forms of fouling that have been identified. Deposition of solids as a cake layer. coagulants) as well as improved reactor designs to induce flocculation thereby reducing the number fo submicron particles around the membrane. fouling). In cases where the differential number percentage of submicron particles was high an increase in membrane fouling rates was observed,11. From the reports found in literature it is apparent that reduction of submicron particles around the membranes would be desirable in operation of MBR systems, concentrate etc. An illustration of the two reactor configurations with an immersed membrane module and corresponding SS values measured over time are shown in Figure 4.e, on the hypothesis that colloids are mainly responsible for fouling. A comprehensive review of these studies is beyond the scope of this paper
一个主要缺点是MBRs膜污染,这是共同的所有膜系统[ 9 ] 。沉积的固体作为一个蛋糕层,孔堵塞/堵塞的胶体粒子,吸附可溶性化合物和biofouling的一些主要形式的污染已确定。的意义和亚微米胶体粒子对膜污染已在不同的文献估计总额的衡量污染所造成的这些粒子之间25 %和50 %的总[ 10,11,12,13 ] 。从报告中发现文学很明显,减少约亚微米颗粒膜的将是可取运行中的膜生物反应器系统。防污减灾膜生物反应器系统可能会做的耦合混凝絮凝的进程。有研究发现在文献中有研究改进过程中使用性能通量提高添加剂(即混凝剂)以及改进的反应堆设计,促使絮凝从而减少了数微米的颗粒膜。全面审查这些研究已超出了本文件的范围。例如,包括絮凝,改善工艺性能在生物膜膜生物反应器是为了说明潜在的耦合絮凝与膜过程[ 14 ] 。阿...


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