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water for elephant-
播放指数剧名英语翻译小说Water For Elephants讲述了一个秘密与承诺、爱与信任的故事.通过描写马戏团底层的生活与演出,揭露了人类至愚的一面,也展现人类至美的一面.马戏团、大萧条、一头复杂的大象和_百度作业帮
英语翻译小说Water For Elephants讲述了一个秘密与承诺、爱与信任的故事.通过描写马戏团底层的生活与演出,揭露了人类至愚的一面,也展现人类至美的一面.马戏团、大萧条、一头复杂的大象和
英语翻译小说Water For Elephants讲述了一个秘密与承诺、爱与信任的故事.通过描写马戏团底层的生活与演出,揭露了人类至愚的一面,也展现人类至美的一面.马戏团、大萧条、一头复杂的大象和同样复杂的爱情、一个看遍世情的老人以动听至极的语调追溯曲折、幽微的往事.对自由的追求,对爱情的渴望,对生命的向往,对动物的热爱……一切都源于那次意外,那一次流浪.正如书中所说的,the whole thing’s illusion,and there’s nothing wrong with that.意思差不多就行了,不用翻成对仗什么的.尽量帮我凑字数,单词往多了些.能写would like to的就不要写want to.看过大象的眼泪的,最好帮我随便加几句话,能够凑满300个单词的,意思对了,语法没错的,有点文采的,我的分全部都给了.离300还有点差距,麻烦在帮我翻译一句。Jacob、Marlena,Rosie,(两人一象)在舞动、飞跃、空翻、转体的一个个(光辉耀眼的)瞬间里,一起寻找一条既浪漫又骇人的出路。括号里的字,如果困难或者不确定的话,可以不翻译。
The novel "Water For Elephants" tells the tale of a secret and a promise,of love and trust.By depicting the everyday live and work of the lowly circus workers,the book reveals both the incredible ignorance and the sublime beauty of human beings.The circus,the Great Depression,a complex elephant and a just as complex love,a world-weary old man narrates the distant and subtle twist and turns of events in an melodic tone of irresistible allure.The pursuit of liberty,the desire for love,the yearning for life,the devotion to animals...all happened as a result of that accident,that wandering.Just as the book states,"the whole thing's illusion,and there is nothing wrong with that".
The novel "Water For Elephant" depicts a story with secrecy, promise and trust. It reveals both the fool side and kind side of human beings through drawing the grassroots life and performances of...
Novel Water For Elephants narrated a secret and the pledge, the love with the trust story. through the description circus troupe first floor's life and the performance, has exposed the humanity to sim...
Water For Elephants novel tells the story of a secret and commitment, love and trust the story. Description of the circus through the bottom of life and performed to expose the human side of igno...}


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