
你这个范围给额的有点大了。要想找论文,我现在一般通过两种途径。一是用谷歌学术。你把你农机这两个字翻译成英文的单词或短语搜。出来的应该都是这方面的文章。如果你想随便选一篇的话,那就选被引用次数最多的吧。呵呵。找到之后,是不是该下载了。如果你所在学校有买那个英文数据库的话,直接把文章题目cpoy到学校数据库里面搜,然后下载就行了。如果不可以。请去“小木虫”论坛的“文献求助”板块里面去求吧。一般文献5个金币。找一篇介绍body language的英文文章能不能给个出处补充问题时经理还没有出现哈哈我再写论文,很有用,等完成了,_百度作业帮
找一篇介绍body language的英文文章能不能给个出处补充问题时经理还没有出现哈哈我再写论文,很有用,等完成了,
找一篇介绍body language的英文文章能不能给个出处补充问题时经理还没有出现哈哈我再写论文,很有用,等完成了,
Body languageAlthough we may not realize it when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not only by words.We send messages to the people around us also by expressions and body movements.we call it "body language ",which is a kind of communication,noverbal communication.A smile and handshake show welcome ,Waving one's hand is to say"goodbye",nodding the head means agreement,while shaking it means disgreement .Putting up a hand means"May I ask a question?".Kissing means"love".Waving one's arms show happiness.These gestures are accepted both by Chinese and Americans as having the same meanings.Because culture influences communication.Different country has different culture.So the way people in different countries communicate is different too.FOR EXAMPLE,Arab man often greet by kissing on both cheeks.In Japan men greet by bowing .In the Unite States,people shake hands to show"their greeting".And the gesture of putting a hand on a person' neck is different for Chinese and Americans.For Chinese,it is to say"someone will be killed".For Americans,it shows"I'm full” .And in Thailand,If you want to signal a person to come near,you should move the fingers back and forth with palm down.But in the United States,you ask someone to come by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards our body.And crossing one's legs in the United States is a sign of being relaxed.But in Korea ,it's not allowed.In Chinese,people hand everything with both hands to show their respect,but for Muslims,they think the left hand is unclean and do not eat or pass something with it.Because of special culture influences some counties,some body languages should attract our attention.In Turkey ,putting one's hand in one's pockets is a sign of disrespect,In some Asican countries,you must not touch the head of another person.And in China,people don't kiss or hug each other ,except his\her lover.For an Arab,it is a good manners to stand close to his friend when they are talking,but for English people,they don't like to be close to one another.And in parts of Asia,you must not sit with your foot pointing at another person.All above show that it is important to know the meaning of gestures and movements in foreign country,foreigners should follow these customs,should learn their culture.So we can communicate with them in a correct way,not only by words,but also by body language.I think that it is important in our lives to show and learn body language ..
帮你找了一些,希望对你有用:出处就在下面,你一定没有仔细看,不过上面的老兄没有给.body language Body language is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, v...
Body Language
When you don’t speak you may still be communicating. It is true that you may not wish to say anything. But your very silence may show your wish to be left alone or to stay uninvol...what is the difference between oceanic crust and continental crust?谁能帮我找找关于这个题目的英文论文,直接粘在这里就好了,不要给我网址,谢谢大家了!_百度作业帮
what is the difference between oceanic crust and continental crust?谁能帮我找找关于这个题目的英文论文,直接粘在这里就好了,不要给我网址,谢谢大家了!
what is the difference between oceanic crust and continental crust?谁能帮我找找关于这个题目的英文论文,直接粘在这里就好了,不要给我网址,谢谢大家了!
Oceanic crustOceanic crust is the part of Earth's lithosphere that surfaces in the ocean basins. Oceanic crust is primarily composed of mafic rocks, or sima. It is thinner than continental crust,...
Continental tholeiites have higher SiO2, K2O and light rare earth element contents and more evolved isotopic characteristics than their oceanic counterparts. These differences can be explained if the ...
Continental crust underlies the continents and is mainly composed of granite rock. Average thickness is about 35 km.Oceanic crust underlies the oceans and is mainly composed of Basalt rock. Average thickness is about 7 km.怎么找论文的参考文献啊?我的论文题目是中英文流行歌曲的异同,写的是英文论文。, 怎么找论文的参考文献啊?我的
匿名 怎么找论文的参考文献啊?我的论文题目是中英文流行歌曲的异同,写的是英文论文。
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