跪求一个srs audio官网 essentials 的 entere licence key。

跪求一个 神秘视线7的key 没有 enter key 玩不了啊 急急急! 给个现成的_百度知道
跪求一个 神秘视线7的key 没有 enter key 玩不了啊 急急急! 给个现成的
运行游戏弹出提示框点OK,复制Hardware fingerprint后面的序号2在安装文件夹下找到KEYGEN文件夹,点右侧GENERATE,你就能得到KEY了,其中有一个骷髅标志名叫Keymaker,然后在DWID中粘贴上你复制的Hardware fingerprint后面的序号.exe3随便打个Name上去
谢 我同关啦 ~!
出门在外也不愁///&summary&/// 鼠标按键事件。 /// 如果检查到按下的是回车键,则发一个消息,模拟键盘按以下Tab键,以使输入焦点转移到下一个文本框(或其他焦点可停留的控件) ///&/summary&///&param name="sender"&&/param&///&param name="e"&&/param&privatevoid textBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { & if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Enter) & { & & SendKeys.Send("{tab}"); & } }
如果想让焦点跳到任意文本框或者其他地方, 在文本框的键盘按下事件中,将焦点放到目标文本框上。
privatevoid textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { & if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Enter) & { & & textBox2.focus(); //当在文本框1中检查到回车键时,直接将焦点转入TextBox2& } }
按方法一中设置好TextBox的TabIndex和TabStop属性,在C# 回车Enter事件中,调用控件的SelectNextControl函数,是的输入焦点跳到下一个TextBox(文本框)。
protectedoverridevoid OnShown(EventArgs e) { & base.OnShown(e); & foreach (Control ct inthis.Controls) & { & & TextBox tx = ct as TextB & & if (tx !=null) & & { & & & tx.KeyDown += (sender, e_args) =& & & { & & if (e_args.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) & & {this.SelectNextControl(tx, true, true, false, true);} & } }
protectedoverridebool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) { & if (keyData == Keys.Enter)  // 按下的是回车键 & { & & foreach (Control c inthis.Controls) & & { & & & if (c is System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)  // 当前控件是文本框控件 & & & { & & & & keyData = Keys.T & & & } & & } & & keyData = Keys.T & } & returnbase.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); }protectedoverridebool
ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData)
if ((ActiveControl is TextBox
ActiveControl is ComboBox) &&
keyData == Keys.Enter)
& & keyData = Keys.T
& } & returnbase.ProcessDialogKey(keyData);
textDisease_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyValue
==13) { textOrganization.Focus(); textOrganization.SelectAll(); } }
textDisease_KeyDown(object sender,
KeyEventArgs e)
& if (e.KeyValue ==13)
e.Handled = True & & textOrganization.Focus();
加一句e.Handled = True。目的是让系统不要处理该Enter按键。
textDisease_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { & & textDisease.Text
textDisease.Text.Trim().Replace("\r\n", ""); }
language=javascript& function
setfocus() { document.all.t2.focus(); }
Button_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {Lable1.Text="您点击了:"+((Button)sender).T} protectedvoid
Page_Load(object sender,EventArgs e) {int TextBoxNum=4;for(int i=1;i&=TextBoxNi++) {if(i!=TextBoxNum){ ((TextBox)form1.FindControl("TextBox"+i.ToString())).Attributes.Add("onkeydown","TabNext(event,'0','"+((TextBox)form1.FindControl("TextBox+(1+i).ToString())).ClientID+'")");} else{ ((TextBox)form1.FindControl("TextBox"+i.ToString())).Attributes.Add("onkeydown","TabNext(event,'"+Button2.ClientID+'",)");} } } &/script&
language="javascript" type="text/javascsript"& function TabNext(e,s1,s2) { if(window.event)//ie { keynum=e.KeyCode } elseif(e.which)//netscape,firefox,opera { keynum=e.which } if(keynum==13) { if(s1=="0") { document.getElementById(s2).focus() } else { docuemnt.getElementById(s1).click() } if(window.event) { e.returnValue=false; e.cancelBubble=true; } elseif(e.which) { e.rreventDefault() } } } &/script&
Inherits="test"%& &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML
1.0 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&&html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&&head
runat="server"&&title&无标题页&/title&&script language=javascript&&!--
--& &/script&&/head&&body&&form
onkeydown="setfocus()" runat="server"&&DIV
align="left"&&asp:TextBox id="TextBox1" runat="server"&&/asp:TextBox&&/DIV&&DIV align="left"&&asp:TextBox
id="TextBox2" runat="server"&&/asp:TextBox&&/DIV&&DIV align="left"&&asp:TextBox
id="TextBox3" runat="server"&&/asp:TextBox&&/DIV&&DIV align="left"&&/DIV&&DIV
align="left"&&asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button"&&/asp:Button&&/DIV&&/form&&/body&&/html&
&&&&& 在我初次使用fiddler时,遇到了几个问题:
    跨平台、良好的兼容性、即时更新、轻便小巧……HTML5的各种优势曾一度被鼓吹,似乎APP形态分分钟就会被颠覆,HTML5将一统天下。  而现在这样的声音越来越少,特别是在手游上,目前还没有一款HTML5游戏出现在流水榜上。“HTML5的效果哪怕赶上了客户端,也没几个机器能跑得起来。”掌娱无线COO黄海钰说。  Firefox OS已经上路,HTML5的想象空间越来越大,然而在奔向美好未来的道路上,HTML5遭遇了一些尴尬。  移动浏览器噤声:HTML5与自己何干?  2011年,UC浏览器发布了U3内核的新版,该版本内核基于开源项目Webkit二次开发,改进了HTML5的兼容性。随后各大厂商纷纷跟进,甚至掀起了真假内核之争和跑分大战。UC称其基于Webkit的U3内核为独立内核,UC优视董事长兼CEO俞永福关于真假内核的言论一度引发对手的抗议,各方的唇枪舌战最终以“伪命题”的说法暂时告终。  而随后各方在HTML5跑分方面的拉锯战则全面打响,欧朋、傲游、QQ等浏览器纷纷参战,各家都试图通过跑分来宣扬自家内核的性能优势,这场大跃进式的跑分从最初的180多分逐步升级到285、369、最终以海豚的一个实验室版450分的分数落定,这个分数甚至超过了Chrome浏览器,最新版Chrome在移动端的跑分只有386分,参战者们似乎在不断飙升的数字上找到了超英赶美的快感。  时隔一年,移动浏览器们已经很少提及WebApp、HTML5跑分和独立内核等概念,UC借着九游在手游大风中盘旋而上,傲游专注于挖掘与PC端的同步功能,欧朋则将更多希望寄托在了搜索上。  上述浏览器之一的一名高级程序员陈飞(化名)表示,HTML5和浏览器完全是不同的概念,HTML5的最大容器不是浏览器,现在微博和微信两大流量入口都已经内嵌了浏览器,将来可能还会有Google Glass等不可预知的交互工具,而浏览器只是一种单调的载体。  据了解,目前很多APP中已经使用了HTML5技术,不过更多的是HTML5与本地APP的结合,形式仍然是客户端,黄海钰介绍,掌娱无线旗下手游《龙将无双》通过HTML5封装后将体积减小到了40多M.移动浏览器厂商们发现,自己辛苦鼓吹起来的HTML5技术最终为他人做了嫁衣,却和自己没有太大关系,而此时作为天然流量入口的浏览器面临手游机会时,UC和傲游们纷纷趋之若鹜,作为渠道,他们要做的是联运和推广,至于是客户端还是网页形态,这并不是重点。  另外一名业内人士透露,苹果和谷歌并不抗拒WebApp,但是未来如果WebApp成为了主流,肯定是苹果和谷歌依托于Webkit把系统底层变成一个浏览器,类似于Firefox OS,而不是靠第三方浏览器去实现。  开发者遇惑:说好的兼容呢?  HTML5的一大优势之一就是在W3C的统一标准下,拥有跨平台的良好兼容性,在浏览器们已经把跑分提到全球第一的时候,似乎兼容性和性能已经水到渠成。  黄海钰却表示并没有那么简单。第一是性能,对游戏而言,HTML5的效果哪怕赶上了客户端,对硬件的要求也会高很多,低端机根本没有办法很流畅的跑起来,第二恰恰是标准,目前国内浏览器中QQ、UC、Safari、欧朋、傲游以及各种千奇百怪的内置浏览器,说是Webkit内核,但是经过二次开发以后标准并不统一,而且HTML5封装的游戏性能取决于手机内置的浏览器(而非第三方)的性能,现在低端手机太多,内置浏览器性能差强人意,反而增加了适配成本。  “系统内置浏览器标准不统一,每个平台的每个版本还都不一样,兼容成本是非常高的,程序员手上拿十几个设备,天天默默流着泪入睡。”陈飞说。  目前UC用的U3内核,手机QQ浏览器的X5内核,海豚的“极速内核”,都是基于Webkit开发,在跑分中超英赶美,在整体表现上却并不都尽如人意。W3C HTML5中文小组主席谢子斌表示,跑分更多的是测试某功能是否被支持,而不是支持的有多好,所以跑分并不能代表整体性能。  为了提升游戏性能,欧朋开发了HTML5 GPU加速引擎Sphinx,UC则开发了X-Canvas,通过硬件加速的方式来提高游戏表现,不过谢子斌表示,对很多开发者来说HTML5游戏是一个新领域,资源、文档都不多,开发经验也没有原生APP丰富,还有很长的路要走。  WebApp vs 原生APP:谁也代替不了谁  在百度19亿美元收购91无线后,移动端APP的价值又被旧事重提,有分析称未来APP将不会是主流,基于HTML5的WebApp将替代原生APP,对此,安智市场CEO韩远认为,目前移动端的生态系统主要是iOS和安卓,二者把客户端这样的形态推起来并形成了稳定的生态系统,WebApp要替代APP,从源头上就很难。  另一方面,韩远认为WebApp要做精细一样要从网上下载很多元素,在流量很宝贵的情况下,原生APP仍将是主流,现在唱衰APP还太早。  HTML5游戏开发商磊友科技研发了HTML5游戏《猎魔佣兵》,其联合创始人赵霏曾撰文吐槽其HTML5游戏在苹果商店上架的惨痛经历,苹果曾因该游戏是基于Web的游戏,建议其提交到流量几乎为零的WebAppStore,这几乎给这款游戏判了死刑,随后团队对游戏进行大幅修改,将原生代码和网页脚本的比例调整到了3:7,并重新注册苹果账号才审核通过。  赵霏称,苹果对WebApp可能在外链、第三方计费等方面有所顾虑,所以还是需要与原生应用结合。  猛犸浏览器作者季逸超在知乎上表示,现在要让HTML5完全匹敌原生APP不太实际,二者并不是谁干掉谁的问题,目前来看在移动端各有分工,原生APP适合密集工作和硬件交互,HTML5适合排版更复杂和灵活的产品,以后更重要的是让HTML5和Native Code更好地交互、配合,共同实现一个完整的牛X产品。  面向低端的Firefox OS手机已经在拉美洲开卖,同样基于HTML5的三星Tizen系统则将被用于汽车等平台,未来仍将有各种成功和不成功的尝试,HTML5的应用前景毋庸置疑,事实上它的优势并没有被否定,不过现阶段试图用基于HTML5的APP去取代原生APP并不是一个明智的选择。  不管是WebApp、微信应用或者原生APP,都不是对立的关系,对创业者而言核心不是产品的形态,而是服务本身的价值,APP的形态未来是何走向现在还很难预测,不过不管怎么变,产品给用户提供的价值才是核心。
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& 2013 &&&Enter your Exchange 2013 product key: Exchange 2013 Help
Enter your Exchange 2013 product key
Applies to: Exchange Server 2013 Topic Last Modified:
A product key tells Exchange Server 2013 that you've purchased a Standard or Enterprise Edition license. If the product key you purchased is for an Enterprise Edition license, it lets you mount more than five databases per server in addition to everything that's available with a Standard Edition license. If you want to read more about Exchange licensing, see . If you don't enter a product key, your server is automatically licensed as a trial edition. The trial edition functions just like an Exchange Standard Edition server and is helpful if you want to try out Exchange before you buy it, or to run tests in a lab. The only difference is that you can only use an Exchange server licensed as a trial edition for up to 180 days. If you want to keep using the server beyond 180 days, you'll need to enter a product key or the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) will start to show reminders that you need to enter a product key to license the server.
We've noticed some visitors to this page are looking for information on how to install or activate Office. If that's you, check out these pages:
If you want to enter a product key on an Exchange 2010 server, go to .
If you want to enter a product key on an Exchange 2013 server, you're in the right place! Read on.
Estimated time to complete this procedure: less than 5 minutes.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Product key" entry in the
If you're licensing an Exchange server that's running the Mailbox server role, you'll need to restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service on the server after you enter the product key.
If you want to upgrade an Exchange server from a Standard Edition license to an Enterprise Edition license, follow the steps in this topic.
If you want to downgrade an Exchange server from an Enterprise Edition license to a Standard Edition license, you need to reinstall Exchange.
For information about keyboard shortcuts that may apply to the procedures in this topic, see .
Having problems? Ask for help in the Exchange forums. Visit the forums at: , , or .
Open the EAC by browsing to https://&Client Access server name&/ecp.
Enter your user name and password in Domain\user name and Password, and then click Sign in.
Go to Servers & Servers. Select the server you want to license, and then click Edit .
(Optional) If you want to upgrade the server from a Standard Edition license to an Enterprise Edition license, on the General page, select Change product key. You'll only see this option if the server is already licensed.
On the General page, enter your product key in the Enter a valid product key text boxes.
Click Save.
If you licensed an Exchange server running the Mailbox server role, do the following to restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service:
Open Control Panel, go to Administrative Tools, and then open Services.
Right-click on Microsoft Exchange Information Store and click Restart.
This example uses the set-ExchangeServer cmdlet to enter the product key. Note:
You can run this command again on the same server to upgrade it from a Standard Edition license to an Enterprise Edition license.
Set-ExchangeServer ExServer01 -ProductKey aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see . If you licensed an Exchange server running the Mailbox server role, do the following to restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service:
Open Control Panel, go to Administrative Tools, and then open Services.
Right-click Microsoft Exchange Information Store and click Restart.
To use the EAC to verify that you’ve successfully licensed the server as Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition, do the following:
Enter your user name and password in Domain\user name and Password, and then click Sign in.
Go to Servers & Servers.
Select the server you want to view, and then look in the server details pane. If the product key has been accepted, Licensed will appear along with the Exchange 2013 edition.
To use the Shell to verify that you’ve successfully licensed the server as Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition, do the following:
Open the Shell.
Run the following command to view the licensing status of a specific Exchange server.
Get-ExchangeServer ExServer01 | Format-Table Edition,*Trial*
(Optional) Run the following command to view the licensing status of all Exchange servers in your organization.
Get-ExchangeServer | Format-Table Name, Edition, *Trial* -Auto
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Tell us more& Entering license keys
Help with Entering license keys
Step 1 - Find your user name and key
After you have placed an order you will receive an e-mail that contains details about your order,& your user name and your license key.
Step 2 - Make sure you have the right software
Your user name and key will only work in the product that you
have purchased. Make sure that the product that you have downloaded and
installed, matches the product that you have purchased.
the correct software, if
Step 3 - Enter your key
There are several different formats for the license key, depending on the product ordered. Please refer to the corresponding type of key provided for instructions on how to enter the key:
Remember - Keep your key somewhere safe
Your license key information
should be kept in a safe place in case the
software ever needs to be reinstalled. You may also require it when software upgrades are released.
Single Line Keys
Copy your user name from the E-mail
Select the user name text in the E-mail with the mouse. Make
sure you select ONLY your user name. Do not select any additional characters or
extra spaces.
Copy your user name to the Windows clipboard. This can be done
by using the Edit / Copy menu item in most E-Mail programs. Alternatively you
can use the CTRL-C key combination on the keyboard.
Paste your user name into the software
After the software has been downloaded and installed the
"welcome" window is displayed. There is a button in this window that allows you
to paste in your user name. Click on Paste User Name (or use CTRL-V on
the keyboard).
Copy and Paste the Key
Select the key text in the e-mail.
Copy the text (CTRL-C).
Paste the key into the software (using the button or CTRL-V).
Click on continue. If the user name and key was accepted, the
program will start and the welcome screen will not be displayed again.
serial number can also been seen in the About window (See the Help / About menu
Multi-line Keys
Copy your user name and key from the E-mail
Select the entire key, including the -----START_OF_KEY----- and -----END_OF_KEY----- flags
Copy your user name to the
clipboard. This can be done
by using the Edit / Copy menu item in most E-Mail programs. Alternatively you
can use the CTRL-C key combination on the keyboard.
Paste your user name and key into the software
Click on continue. If the user name and key was accepted, the
program will start and the welcome screen will not be displayed again.
TestLog Web Access
You can either add your licence key manually to the KEYSECTION part of the web access config
file by using a text editor or by going to the settings menu of the TestLog standalone version and
choosing "Install Web Access Licence".
You will need to enter the location of the web access config file (where web access has been installed on the web server) and your licence key in the available fields and click Ok to add the key.
BurnInTest Linux Command Line
Installing a key for the command line version uses a command line argument and a file created called key.dat th
./bit_cmd_line_x32 -k
Registers your key stored in the key.dat. When using this flag BurnInTest will expect your username/key, from (and including) the &-----START_OF_KEY-----& to (and including) the &------END_OF_KEY------& flags, to be stored in a file called key.dat in the same directory as BurnInTest. You will need to create a new file called key.dat,
paste the key as is, it should be 6 separate lines, 1 each for the start and end flags, 1 for the username and 3 for the key, and then save the file.
You will need to restart BurnInTest after registration and you can delete the key.dat file you have created.
Do not alter the savedkey.dat file, this is a file maintained by BurnInTest and altering this file will corrupt it.
Still have a problem?
If you still have a problem, check the following.
Your user name is exactly as it appears in the E-Mail, using a
different user name will not work.
No extra characters were included, be especially careful about
not copying extra space characters or new line characters.
If you have purchased the BurnInTest product, there are two
editions. The Pro edition and the Standard edition. Make sure that you have
downloaded the same edition as you have purchased.
If you typed in your user name or key, rather than copying and
pasting, check that you have not made a typing mistake and check that upper and
lower case characters are correct.& Upper and lower case are important.
If the above doesn't fix your problem, mail us at
and briefly describe the problem you have encountered and your order}


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