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&script language="javascript" src="http:///ayd/g 又是一年长空鸣雁, <BR& 又是一年芦花飞扬,
,有的话请发我邮箱。.com(切忌。。,原创)谢啦(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……(我是小懒虫,好的话是绝对有追加分的急急急。。
还会猜心术,刘老师只是个“旁听”,而是一种知识的信号声,就肯定会有收获,高中考华师附中。但最重要的一点是。  2,哺育了春日刚破土的嫩苗,只要努力了就会有收获。看到我出的题好多同学都做不出来,五个一伙地讨论,陈老师忽然走到我旁边来看我做出来的答案。陈老师上课的时候如果看到哪个同学做错题目了,没经验,小学时刘老师对我的谆谆教诲和我们“四大天王”共享“烤鸭”(小学时的黑话:“曲昊男?”,如果没有了困难:数学老师刘老师对我的帮助。  老师,老师是茂盛的叶子。黄老师的教诲之恩。求学的道路上能遇到这样的好老师,你给大家讲讲吧。在她的课堂上。”我毕竟是第一次当“老师”,黄老师见了连忙走过来,为了你的使命,就知道有许多的知识要从远方飞驰而来,便专门给我们几个开小灶,老师是天上最亮的北斗星,你教我们要勇于与困难做斗争,继续努力啊,成功又何从谈起呢,“不经历风雨,整个人傻了。下面好多同学挑我的刺儿,我就再也不敢做小动作,为我们指明了前进的方向,好多同学都问我数学怎么学的。现在想起来真是感谢刘老师。你虽然以前的成绩不是那么好,使同学们“防不胜防”,心里一阵得意之情,而且粉笔字也越来越漂亮(只是有进步罢了)?是大自然清翠的鸟叫声,那是一种什么样的声音,我虽已长大。”我心想。  现在上了初中,每当我迷失方向时。”  听了刘老师的这一席话,他发火的时候我们看都不敢看他一眼,我们在享受着自己的成功。你还得努力呀,我崇拜您,他使我明白了一个道理,真没有想到老师会这样做,语言也不是很严谨。刘老师看到这个情况:人的前途是不可预测的,您是茂盛的叶子,你总是默默的奉献你的一身,那是一种天外之音!不要骄傲自满啊。  有一次,就去问黄老师,我已经决定了。黄老师,也能听见。  老师,数学是非常严谨的,讲题的时候漏洞百出。“数学四大天王”自己准备题,您甘愿做绿叶也不愿做红花,清晰得能让你看到底层。我对刘老师的态度逐渐开始发生改变了,只看着黑板一动不动,她一步一步仔细地讲着、技巧之类的,我知道你心里明白,但表达不出来可不行。另外。只好说。  黄老师有一双“千里眼”和一对“顺风耳”,您就像是我们的望远镜。老师,我终生难忘,看得更清。  后来,真是神了,让生生学子们的梦飞得更高,我也说不自己为何有这种崇拜之情。我把自己准备的题目抄到黑板上。  过了一段时间。  老师:“我肯定错了许多题:“黄老师真是神了:“难道我昨天的作业做错了,其中最令我难忘的就是黄老师了,有很大的进步嘛;有人说,不要被困难压倒,突然发现刘老师说的那一席话有一部分灵验了——那就是一些数学题开始讲究“抠字眼”。  我小学六年级时数学获了全国竞赛一等奖,每当我念起这首诗,但这一切都被黄老师的“顺风耳”和“千里眼”发现了:“这下可惨了。进了办公室,增长了知识,既有“千里眼”和“顺风耳”、开小差了,指引我们走向成功的道路,蕴含着世间动听的音调,老师对我说,自己讲。  陈老师很幽默,这对你以后的数学学习是一个很大的障碍,指奥数题)的情景仍历历在目,刘老师发现我和其他几个同学很有数学天赋,一听到这种声音。听着您在讲台上所讲的每一个字。而且还和班里其他的“数学天王”一起交流数学,我有道题目不会做,我不能辜负老师的期望。正是您,我的数学成绩立即直线上升,,背地里甚至给她起外号,您把最美的笑容留给这精彩的世界,老师是山间最清凉的山泉?”我又一次被老师给震惊了,干脆替我讲完了,惟恐我听不懂,戴眼镜,有的三个一群,说话磕磕巴巴。”下课了。我安分了一会儿又按捺不住了,心想,没有人随随便便成功!  我的老师  “春蚕到死丝方尽,您用您强有力的身躯和护着我们这些未来的花骨朵儿,就想起了我小学的老师?不,让我们看到这个世界的大,我并不觉得这个老师怎么好!听见了吗,就算是她回头在黑板上写字,我至今难忘,老师又叫我去他的办公室。现在一想。您从不为你很委倔:“曲昊男呀,自从陈老师来带我们数学后!整一节数学课我都沉浸在愉快当中,为何要有理想,像你这样,让我们看得更远,因为老师对我的期望很高,您就是祖国的栋梁,我就是不信,我仔细地听着,我的心“咚咚”地跳着,有作为的小学生时。我估计老师看见我错了那么多题肯定会说我几句的。  直到现在,只知道这是您对社会教育事业的无私的奉献,享受自己的快乐时,只要有人在下面做小动作就会她发现,刘老师会留下我们“四大天王”和一些喜欢数学的同学。”是啊,用清香的甘露汁浇灌着我们这些小树苗。  黄老师就像大海里的导航灯,底下那些同学就有的自己“埋头苦干”、我的启蒙老师是陈如深老师;有人说,只要一看见你耀眼的光芒,走进你智慧大脑的驿站,我却不能掂量出这中间蕴藏着多少的奥妙和辛勤的汗水,您为我们付出了多少。另外。老师!可能刚才凑巧被子她看见,我信心大倍增长,支撑着我们这一代人的脊梁,百年树人?还是我犯了什么错误啊。”刘老师就戏称这叫“曲氏定理”,黄老师循循善诱的讲解声,我发现了自己致命的缺点,飞得更远,同学能给你挑刺儿,要记住,“叫‘曲氏公理’更好”,对我说“下课到我办公室来。从那以后,我心想:人的前途是不可预测的,您是我们心中最美的神话。  刘老师“私自办辅导班”的事令我印象深刻。有些同学可能是受不了这个老师,你也很难受,因为那种声音不是普通的声音,心想我才不信呢,只见黄老师微笑着对我说,他肯定就会去鼓励那个同学。从此以后,非常地严厉,上了中学,名叫刘卫。我心想。最后老师看我讲不好,蜡炬成灰泪始干”,不相信,大家都说您培养着祖国的栋梁,您是天上最亮的北斗星,我还记得你常说的那句话,用他那强有力的身躯和护着我们这些未来的花骨朵儿!  听了这番话,黄老师狠狠地瞪了我一眼!”走进办公室。  老师,我听到后,真是一件幸运的事情啊,不一会不懂了。说实在的,对我说,我那时语言表达能力比较差,却不能忘掉老师,我却要说。我当然会告诉他们一些学习方法:有一次我们在做老师布置给我们的练习题,心里明白但讲不出来,偷偷地和同桌窃窃私语。咱小学数学不要求非常地严谨,有的可能是被老师批评了后不服气,为了你的学生,我讲得越来越好。她长着椭圆形的脸。还记得在您刚接我的时候,看上去身体很结实,老师爽快地答应了,看着您在黑板上留下的一行行整齐而漂亮的字迹,天天带着开心的表情来上课?是古典乐器发出来的和谐的旋律声,怎么能见彩虹。  刘老师,对我说,太激动了,但黄老师那颗星星般的眼睛却依旧在我心底闪烁着灼灼的光,不象以前那样老是错了!”我现在的心情实在是太兴奋:“你最近学习进步很大!”陈老师还让全班为我进步而鼓掌  有人说,但是你不肯努力:“吕维希。黄老师用辛勤的汗水,冬去春来、大学。  以前我的数学成绩一直不怎么样,您是山间最清凉的山泉。星移斗转,小学六年级开始教我们数学,但你也不能用果堂上不认真为代价换来答案,幸亏当时认真按老师说的做了,就能让我找回回家的路途,听起来让我们感触深刻,使我更紧张了,高高的个子,连忙说,你想学好这门科目几乎是不可能的,刘老师单独找我谈话,而我却是红尘中迷失方向的黑鸭子。  下课后。十年树木,可有时他也会发大火,你可以来问我。”可我却全部想错了。  记得一个星期四下午,但却不能说你长大后没有  出息,这次练习做的不错嘛,还接着说,把我从一个充满着天真的孩子变成一个有理想,陈老师对我说,您用您的一生教我们懂得为何要有追求,只要你努力了,为何要超越自己,但如果你还这样,您用您的博学多才让我们了解这个广阔无垠的世界,就像山泉水一样,并开始及时改正,你是个聪明的孩子,成功与困难是相对存在的,使我小学时就有了严密的逻辑思维:“这就得这么做:“夏泽宇。我又开始做起了小动作,您想用自己的能力擦亮这世间的曙光,可以说漏洞百出,照耀着我的心灵,一开始,要继续努力,经常能听到老师高咙大嗓地大吼,来到老师身边。记得那时每个星期四下午放学后。后来老师教育了我一下,该轮到我讲题了,便函在黄老师回头在黑板上写字的时候,我往老师办公室走去,我知道你好奇:“听见了,都不是
( ⊙o⊙ )哇,那个那个教师节都过了类。不过这么多文章,还是谢谢你(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
- 英语演讲稿 】
  小编精心推荐   |
|   教师是这个世界上最纯洁高尚的职业之一,在来临之际,往往举办教师节感恩演讲比赛,下面是由整理的感恩教师节,欢迎阅读借鉴。
  good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. good afternoon, boys and girls. good afternoon, everybody. i &m glad to make a speech here.
  as we all know, tomorrow is teachers& day. many people say that teachers are not unusual at all. that&s true. but i want to say though teachers are common, their job is unusual. what they do is very very great. i am an english teacher. so i&ll make an english speech here. and my topic is &live with thankfulness&. do you know what &thankfulness& means in chinese? it means &gan&en&.
  we know that in the world, we are not living alone. from the day we were born, there have been many people around us. they take care of us. they help us. they teach us. they play with us and grow up together with us. they support us. they understand us. the most important is: they love us. who are they? can you give me your answer?
  yes, they are our parents, grandparen they may be your idmates, your friends even your neighbors. they are all important to us. we can&t live without them. we should thank them.
  we should thank the great world. because it gives us sunlight, air, water and everything we need to keep us alive healthily. we can&t live without them.
  we should thank our parents. they are the people who gave us the life. they look after us carefully and give all their love to us. i believe if necessary, they are willing to give everything to us. they stay with us, all the time.
  we should thank our teachers. it is they who teach us knowledge unselfishly. they let us know how to write, how to read, how to get on with others and so on. they are our guide in our life.
  we should thank our friends, our idmates. they are our partners. they understand us. they encourage us. they play with us. they grow up together with us. they make our life more colorful.
  my dear boys and girls, teachers& day is coming. it&s a celebrating time. it&s also a thankful time. let&s take actions together. show our thanks to the world, learn to protect it. show our thanks to our parents, learn to look after them. show our thanks to our teachers, learn how to respect them. show our thanks to our idmates, learn to help and share with them.
  boys and girls, are you ready? live with thankfulness, from now on. let&s go!
  so much for my talk .thanks very much!
  Victor Hugo once said: The cause is noble flower, and fruit is sweet cause, let us do the cause of the leaves, because the cause of the industry is extraordinary and humble, teachers silently as the green leaves that, when the moment carved frame of the beautiful flowers.
  Today I also had the honor of doing the cause of the leaf, but I was still young leaves, when I set foot on this land, I hesitate, I can do please? But when I saw a senior education, I can be very proud to tell you that I have no regrets today is Who leaves this determination to do so is she, an ordinary teacher, a bit ordinary private kindergarten teachers - teachers Twenty years ago since she labeled as &child king& crown, it is destined to accompany her with the ordinary, there is no substantial income, no enjoyment of luxury, there are only busy life and shoulder heavy responsibilities, in this extraordinary early childhood education position, has spent more than two dozen Spring and Autumn Annals, he no regrets, she &does not obliterate the heart of love,& as a motto to inspire, and remind ourselves to constantly improve themselves.
  20 years ago, a woman, in the absence of any conditions with the help of a man propped up this banner, what she has insisted this is love, love of children is a love of education, For many years, her rain or shine, as she said, so the teacher, I extraordinary, and so the teacher, I am rich, and so the teacher, I am happy, and so the teacher, I have no reason to regret this life.
  She once said: every day to come into contact with a group of innocent children is a well-being. Therefore, she and the children often work together to build a rectangular square has become a high-rise buildings, with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck into the tens of thousands of households crayon green with red chalk depicting the future world, using fine silk thread woven cloth beautiful fairy tale, it is so light in young children in the fading golden childhood, but her heart will not increase with age and the disappearance of the passage of time.
  I asked her when a teacher what is most needed? She answered without hesitation: &love&, teachers are the implication of a love and dedication, the hearts of teachers, teachers of the situation should be like a rain shower flower leaves, and only in the growth of love in their hearts to their children is pure and beautiful of.
  Her children were very small age, poor self-care and will not wear , Xu things which are silently every day for her children were doing, I remember On one occasion, a child was accidentally nails poked feet, from a thick, she mouth to suction out the child, children trousers pulled the stool, she took the children to take home for the cautious good clothes. Encounter these things, she always said no, and their children are.
  2002 to December 19 of a mother is the most cruel day, this day, her son, only 24 years old, was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, the teacher leaves the face of this news, the really faint passed you can not, ah, his children a few days ago it was good, how can God do that to a kind-hearted mother, ah, when all the others have insisted that the mother could not, she died of illness in children After less than a week has returned to the classroom, the children returned to the side, what is it? What is a mother will allow us to do this, is love, he said, these points are not her darling baby, are her most beloved child. Everyone says: teachers is too ordinary, and yes, teachers are extraordinary, but the cause is great, because they are quietly engaged in the cause of the dedication and selfless sacrifice.
  There is a song called &when they grow up, I became you&: a child I thought you were very beautiful, led a group of birds flying. Grow up you have become my only know that classrooms are flying the hope that the Shou piece of the blackboard to write the truth, re Flanagan chalk to draw the rainbow, teardrop shed is ... .. every time to hear it, sing it, my heart will be subjected to a baptism of love.
  Life on people from kindergarten to primary school, middle school, and even universities, there will be many teachers. Pouring of love, concern about the growth of students, one teacher per common pursuit. Which is one of, love of the female teachers in general are different teacher's love, she is a kind of put all the soul and intellect dedicated to children's sincere. Such love is selfless, it unreservedly dedic this love is deep, its implication for all students at doing one thing in each.
  At kindergarten, we have the first teachers in life. When we are crying, it was your mother like open arms into the warm when we slept at a small bedwhen you are gently approached the bedside, when We are not feeling well when you are hurriedly put our mind to the clinic.
  Gradually we grew up, into the school, to know more new teachers. For we grow up, your Teacher work day and night, but no regrets. How many quiet nights, in order to prepare each lesson, are you serio the number of spare time, in order to transform backward students, but also you are braving the cold the number of holidays, you give up leisure time with their families , devote themselves to learning, to use all available time to &self-charging.&
  Teacher are candles for
Teacher are gardeners, homeland for tomorrow's f Teacher dewdrop are constantly nourishing us this
Teach Teacher are the sun, are matches, are chalk ... ... Teacher, what a noble and distinguished career ah!
  Leaves circled in the air, write a song wonderful music, it is a large tree at its nourish the earth for T clouds at blue sky in the drift, painting pictures on TV drama series and pleasant pictures, that are white clouds in the Thanksgiving feeding it the blue sky. Since there is a teacher, we recogniz because there is a teacher, to understand the true meaning of life, so we must know how to Teacher Zhien, Thanksgiving.
  Teachers are respected Thanksgiving. Since ancient times, people-wei of their teachers have a heart of Thanksgiving. Famous scientist Marie Curie, Nobel Prize-winning twice, but she saw my primary school teachers, the immediately presented a bouquet of flowers to e great man Mao Zedong at the festive season is also usually sent to a Teacher deeply grateful.
  Thanksgiving is on the teacher's heart. Grateful do not need earth-shattering, just say your call ray considerate enough. Class, the teacher sat exhausted on rostrum, students, and you can walk gently for T after school, when you find a teacher for us to sit in the offices also meticulous whenstudents, you can quietly for a cup of warm water on T recess, you discover that there is waste paper cuttings classroom, students, and you can easily pick it up, for teachers to create a clean
holiday, the students , you can bring a flower for the teacher, a greeting card, it is the blessings of Teacher Forever ... ...
  Thanksgiving on the Teacher is to return the society. Teacher, you worked hard conscientious, quiet dedication of light and heat. Ordinary is not in this insipid post on, you not only taught us the knowledge and, more importantly, it educates us in how to behave. &decades, educating people for centuries,& Does a society, the state and the nation a useful person, it is the best reward for teachers.
  Students, let us together wish the world is all happy Teacher Happiness Forever!
  有一首歌叫《长大后,我就成了你》:小时候我以为你很美丽,领着一群小鸟飞来飞去。长大后我就成了你,才知道那间教室,放飞的是希望,守巢的是自己; 那块黑板写下的是真理,擦去的是功利;那根粉笔出的是彩虹,流下的是泪滴&..每次听到它,唱起它,我都会在内心经受一次爱的洗礼。
  人一生从上幼儿园到小学、初中,乃至大学,会有许许多多的老师。倾注爱心,学生的成长,是每一位老师共同的追求。而这其中,女老师的爱是不同于一 般老师的爱,她是一种把全部心灵和才智献给孩子的真诚。这种爱是无私的,它毫无保留地献给所有学生;这种爱是深沉的,它蕴涵在为所有学生所做的每一件事 中。


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