为毛我的HTC 3D 能处理器是 1.5GHz Qualcomm 高通msm86600 Dual-Core 难道买到假货了?1.5d单核

HTC G14是目前市面上首款采用第三代Snapdragon MSM8260双核处理器的手机。这句话是从中关村的网站上摘的但是我的手机卖家说是10.14号,上海产的为什么处理器是1.2ghz qualcomm msm8660 dual-core这是肿么回事?百度也没整明白。。
> 1.5GHz双核大屏机 HTC Raider 4G热销
1.5GHz双核大屏机 HTC Raider 4G热销
手机中国【北京分站】作者:手机中国 徐磊责任编辑:王琪日 05:34
  (中国行情报道)最近推出了一款顶级配置的,HTC Raider 4G。它采用的是1.5GHz高通MSM8660处理器,1GB RAM,并且还采用了4.5英寸超大屏幕,配置十分强大。近日该机在“”最新行货报价3599元,喜欢的朋友多关注一下。
HTC Raider 4G正面图
  HTC Raider 4G依旧采用了经典的直板机身,背面是独特梯形的设计,中间是一块平整的金属后盖,可以向后滑动打开。这种过渡式的变化并不会刮手,手感十分不错。正面的屏幕采用了4.5英寸超大屏幕,540×960像素的分辨率,SLCD电容屏,支持多点触摸,显示效果出众。
HTC X710e正面图
  HTC Raider 4G从硬件采用的是高通MSM Ghz双核处理器,1GB RAM,16GB ROM,搭载 2.3智能操作系统。该机还内置了800万像素高清摄像头,带双LED闪光灯,支持最大分辨率照片拍摄,支持有声视频拍摄,还支持自动对焦和连拍功能。网络方面则支持GSM,WCDMA(联通3G), 以及LET 4G网络。该机拥有简洁时尚的外观,4.5英寸超大屏幕,1.5GHz双核处理器,800万像素高清摄像头,性能十分强悍,是款不错的。若是您对该机感兴趣的话,可以多关注一下。
HTC Raider 4G(改版机)[参考价格] 3599元[公司名称] [订购热线] 010--5- [配送地址] 北京三里屯SOHO 5号商场301 中关村E世界C座10层1080室 华强北茂业百货(东方时代)A座2603室 [商家店铺]
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三星W2015作为一款定位高端的商务手机,自问...Qualcomm 1.5GHz Snapdragon due end of 2011, not Q1
Looks like someone at
might be getting a spanking.
The company's share price took a lurch skyward earlier today, after CEO Paul Jacobs inadvertently - and, it turns out, incorrectly - suggested the 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon chipset would
while on-stage at their
Unfortunately, as Qualcomm's PR team has just clarified to us, Jacobs was meant to say the 1.2GHz Snapdragon would start appearing in devices in the first three products using the faster chip won't arrive until later much later on.
In fact, the first shipping devices using the 1.5GHz Snapdragon aren't predicted to hit retail shelves until near the end of next year.
The chip is expected to go out to OEMs in the last quarter of 2010, whereupon it will go through the various stages of testing before it's ready for market.
As for the 1.2GHz chip, which , that's currently sampling to manufacturers.
The MSM8260 and MSM8660 each get dual-core application processors together with support for 1080p HD video encode and decode, and 3D/2D engines for Open GLES 2.0 and Open VG 1.1 acceleration.
Must Read Bits & BytesQualcomm ships first dual-core Snapdragon chipsets clocking 1.2GHz
not yet a member of the Engadget community?
Oh yeah baby, 's finally shipping its first dual-core Snapdragons. To whom, is the big question. Its third-generation Mobile Station Modem MSM8260 and MSM8660 Snapdragon chipsets for high-end smartphones -- originally announced in February 2009 -- are now sampling and capable of running at up to 1.2GHz. The MSM8260 supports HSPA+, while the MSM8660 brings support for multi-mode HSPA+ and 1xEV-DO Rev. B. Both integrate GPS, a GPU with 2D / 3D acceleration engines for Open GL ES 2.0 and Open VG 1.1, 1080p video encoding and decoding, a dedicated low-power audio engine, and support for 24-bit WXGA 1,280 x 800 pixel displays. Anybody at
care to step forward with a reference design?
Update: We just spoke with company representatives here at the show, and try as we may, we couldn't convince anyone at the company to show off a dual-core reference design. We were flat-out told that the only people at Computex getting a glimpse at the new silicon were prospective customers, though we did manage to pry out a few interesting details about the chip itself and the future of the line. For one, these new chips have two application cores and a single modem core, whereas existing chips have a single application core alongside a single modem core. We were also told in no uncertain terms that an even quicker version of the Snapdragon would be launched before the year's end, and as you'd likely surmise, it'll be aimed at "larger screen" devices -- you know, like slates and tablet PCs.
[Image courtesy of ]
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Third-generation Snapdragon Solutions Feature Two Application Processor Cores Running up to 1.2 GHz to Enable Advanced Smartphones
TAIPEI, Taiwan & June 01, 2010 & Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM), a leading developer and innovator of wireless technologies, products and services, today announced the Company has sampled its first dual-CPU Snapdragon& chipsets. The Mobile Station Modem& (MSM&) MSM8260& and MSM8660& solutions integrate two of the Company's enhanced cores running at up to 1.2GHz. Targeted at enabling high-end smartphones, the MSM8x60 solutions are third-generation chipsets from the Company's expanded Snapdragon platform, which has been powering smartphones, tablets and smartbook devices in markets around the world.
"Qualcomm's first-generation Snapdragon chipsets set a new standard for advanced smartphones and smartbook devices, and our second-generation solutions are already shipping in volume," said Steve Mollenkopf, executive vice president of Qualcomm and president of Qualcomm CDMA Technologies. "We are very excited by the innovation our customers are already showing as they begin designing products based on our dual-core MSM8260 and MSM8660 chipsets."
The MSM8260 for HSPA+ and MSM8660 for multi-mode HSPA+/CDMA2000& 1xEV-DO Rev. B feature two enhanced CPU cores running at up to 1.2GHz for high levels of Web application and multimedia performance, including a powerful GPU with 3D/2D acceleration engines for Open GLES 2.0 and Open VG 1.1 accelration, 1080p video encode/decode, dedicated low power audio engine, integrated low power GPS, and support for 24-bit WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution displays.
Qualcomm's Snapdragon family of chipset solutions includes:
& First-generation products: QSD8x50& with 1GHz enhanced core
& Second-generation products: MSM8x55& and QSD8x50A& with 1GHz enhanced core, including multimedia optimizations and 1.3GHz enhanced core, respectively
& Third-generation products: MSM8260, MSM8660 and QSD8672 with dual-CPU architecture featuring enhanced cores running at up to 1.2GHz and 1.5GHz, respectively
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