
> 急求高手解答,英国就读硕士学位,毕业论文没有通过,学院说只给diploma,请问这种情况下怎样还能拿到maste
转载 编辑:李强
为了帮助网友解决“急求高手解答,英国就读硕士学位,毕业论文”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“急求高手解答,英国就读硕士学位,毕业论文”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:diploma 可以办理学历学位认证?,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:只能算是硕士学历。diploma认证的出来的不是硕士学位,那就真没办法了,但是肯定会比你以前申到的学校要好。要是认证的是硕士学位大家都去英国读diploma了,学校说不给你机会重新写大论文的话如果你问了学校,还便宜,你只能拿你diploma的成绩去再申请其他学校研究生再读一次了解决方案2:你拿个学历证有什么用啊。哥们 你可以申请重写大论文。,好好写你就拿到degree了?diploma可以认证。。,但是说出去不好听呀解决方案3:重新写过的几率有多大,你身边的同学有过这种经历吗?解决方案4:有很多重写过的同学都通过了,只要你认真写最少能拿一个C ,一般重写都能过 不要抄袭就可以了解决方案5:你要是重写了还没过的话,那确实不太好办,我记得要是毕业论文没通过的话,应该是需要重修你的专业吧,所有的科目都要重修,要不你就那个DIPLOMA,不过说实话确实不好听,而且也不一定能找到工作解决方案6:如果要能重交,重交之后就能拿到master,只不过延迟一段时间拿证。如果已无重写重交的机会,只能拿这个证之后再申请一个课程,重头来过,另拿一个master。 如果要拿diploma办认证,我刚办过。 我可以确定的有如下几个方面:1,PG Diploma可以办回国证明,回国证明上标注的身份不是硕士研究生,而是其他,但是完全没有影响其他事情的办理。2、用Diploma和标注“其他”的回国证明,可以办学历认证,认证书上标注的准确名称是“研究生文凭”。办下来后,国内是承认研究生学历的。虽然只要不是特别注重学位评职称的公务员,事业单位,国企等。在其他单位里区别不会特别大,不会落的和本科生一样,毕竟国内也有研究生班这种说法,就是有研究生学历而没有硕士学位的一种学历。3、拿到认证后,派遣落户教育部都能给办,跟有学位的人完全一样,关键就是要有单位接收。希望我的留言能给一部分同学提供帮助。解决方案7:学校一般会给第二次机会,再修改论文,重新评分,那样第二次通过后能拿到master,只不过晚一段时间毕业。如果已经没有重写的机会,只能拿证,然后重新申请一个课程,另拿一个master。如果是Diploma要办认证,我刚办过。 我可以确定的有如下几个方面:1,PG Diploma可以办回国证明,回国证明上标注的身份不是硕士研究生,而是其他,但是完全没有影响其他事情的办理。2、用Diploma和标注“其他”的回国证明,可以办学历认证,认证书上标注的准确名称是“研究生文凭”。办下来后,国内是承认研究生学历的。虽然只要不是特别注重学位评职称的公务员,事业单位,国企等。在其他单位里区别不会特别大,不会落的和本科生一样,毕竟国内也有研究生班这种说法,就是有研究生学历而没有硕士学位的一种学历。3、拿到认证后,派遣落户教育部都能给办,跟有学位的人完全一样,关键就是要有单位接收。希望我的留言能给一部分同学提供帮助。解决方案8:很难了。解决方案9:请问diploma 能够办理学历学位认证吗?解决方案10:一般不可以。通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:如果你问了学校,学校说不给你机会重新写大论文的话,那就真没办法了,你只能拿你diploma的成绩去再申请其他学校研究生再读一次了,但是肯定会比你以前申到的学校要好。diploma认证的出来的不是硕士学位,只能算是硕士学历。要是认证的是硕士学...===========================================问:本人在英国读硕士,其他课已经全部通过,但最近交了毕业论文,感觉写的...答:我是临交前补补改改交上的 也怕自己过不了 结果分还挺高的 。。。。 所以先不要杞人忧天 该干嘛干嘛,没听说哪个学校就因为论文没过就不给机会直接枪毙的,应该都有重写的机会,只不过可能晚一年或半年拿学位证就是了。 一般2-3个月论文成绩会下...===========================================问:请问这个这个证书在国内是相当于硕士毕业证么?还是只有毕业证的资质没...答:相当于文凭证书。不是学位。类似于预科的证书。硕士学位是MASTER DEGREE。 postgradate certificate是文凭证书,回国后相当于你完成了课程,但是不能学位认证。===========================================问:我在英国读硕士可我现在论文没有过,学校让我办理延期了。 我现在需要在...答:英国大学一般都有两个毕业时间,冬季1月左右和夏季7月左右,如果你论文赶在下一个毕业时间前完成的话可以和学校申请。只要满足毕业条件学校不会故意非要卡你一年的,反正学费也只是按论文占的学分收。===========================================问:我在英国读硕士可我现在论文没有过,学校让我办理延期了。 我现在需要在...答:由于英国大学向来治学严谨,在毕业率方面严格把关保证文凭含金量,加上国内一些学子初步规划留学方案时不够理性、好高骛远,赴英就读硕士课程的时候不够努力等等,最终造成无法顺利在英国获得学位的尴尬窘境。最近几年也有很多学生(包括很优秀...===========================================问:我在英国读硕士可我现在论文没有过,学校让我办理延期了。 我现在需要在...答:你好,只要你能顺利申请上你想就读的那个专业, 保证出勤率的情况下,顺利毕业是完全可以的,我附近很多人出去,也没听说有几个延期的。所以不用太担心!===========================================问:我情况比较复杂,实际是2009年1月抵英读硕士预科,2009年9月-2010.9读硕...答:按正常应该给你算2011.7月,拿到毕业证书的时间,但是事实上可能会按你的实际毕业时间2010.9月,是有点复杂, 那你 的回国证明上时间是多久呢? 我觉得如果你是要落户的 话,最好还是再多交一份有你 本人签字的情况说明书,再有你现在公司人事单...===========================================问:听说国外很认同本科文凭,很好找工作,是吗?我雅思成绩7.0,85+平时成绩...答:我建议你读英国的最后一年,虽然可能会很累,因为你刚去还不适应就得拼命学习,但是你用一年就可以拿到一个学士学位,这个很值的。而直接读硕士你会感觉还什么没明白呢就开始写毕业论文了。还有一点就是由于你是专科很有可能申请不到好学校。而...===========================================论文的话,那就真没办法了,你只能拿你diploma的成绩去再申请其他学校研究生再读一次... 硕士学位,只能算是硕士学历。要是认证的是硕士学位大家都去英国读diploma了,还便宜...===========================================相当于文凭证书。不是学位。类似于预科的证书。硕士学位是MASTER DEGREE。 postgradate certificate是文凭证书,回国后相当于你完成了课程,但是不能学位认证。===========================================只能和老师教授沟通一下.有没有补交论文过程,可以回国边工作,论文测试时候在过去考试,要沟通好,我们班以前有个学生是这样,没有拿到文凭,最后先回国工作,在明年考试时候...===========================================不好毕业。纽大研究生,有的平时作业多,比如IBM。上下学期写了2万字以上的论文,但是... 慎重选择。但是又好毕业,考试挂40学分下可8月份补考,也不影响最后毕业论文。===========================================要看学校,一般是在6-8或9月间写论文,然后毕业论文过了,就一般在12月或者1月的时候开毕业典礼,那时候你就可以拿到证书=========================================== 所以先不要杞人忧天 该干嘛干嘛,没听说哪个学校就因为论文没过就不给机会直接枪毙的,应该都有重写的机会,只不过可能晚一年或半年拿学位证就是了。 一般2-3个月论文成绩...===========================================所有学校对于硕士、博士毕业论文,必须通过论文检测查重才能算合格过关。本科毕业生... 中国博士学位论文全文数据库/中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,国重要会议论文全文...===========================================同学,你好,很高兴为你解答。 你这种情况肯定是要申请续签的,可以回国来办理,国内近期办理签证速度挺快的,两周就能下来签证结果了。 有问题可私信/追问===========================================然后导师找了个方便的时间给我答辩的~答辩完就没事了~等成绩就好了。(英国硕士答辩... 一个你导师,一个校内的老师~如果有副导师的话就3个~) 4. 毕业证是11月底左右才会出...===========================================没有考试存 考试少倒有有学校只有学期5月-6月考次准备毕业论文毕业 伦敦地区近伦敦生活费贵房子好找极好学校烂 容易毕业大概middlesex东3区还有1区westminister...===========================================
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Copyright &英国硕士申请心得汇总介绍——附个人陈述范文
我在申请诺丁汉经济学硕士的过程中就因为本科专业条件不符标准而被拒。虽然在申请之初我就意识到了这个问题,而且在个人陈述(Personal Statement)中举了很多关于我如何自学经济学基本课程的事例,即便如此,诺大经济学院的教授们还是拒绝了我的申请。之后我咨询了招生办的负责人,回复很简单,我的本科专业不是经济学,除非我能够提供非常有力的证据说明我具备经济学的专业基础,否则他们不能录取(当然诺大的经济学在全英排名前五,批准入学的标准非常高)。事实上,我遇到的这个问题在英语专业的同学中是比较普遍的,多数人不会选择英语专业作为继续深造的方向,而是希望得到诸如金融、经管或者法律等专业的硕士学位,那么英语专业很可能由优势变成一个瓶颈。
第二个是关于申请过程的问题。首先,我主张自己做申请。如果为了节省时间,可以找中介代劳,否则自己申请更加有效,因为这样与学校、学院或导师的沟通会更直接,也可以自己掌握第一手的资料和情况。其次,我认为Online Application更快捷。每个学校的申请程序不同,但无论怎样,英国学校的Online Application系统非常完善,他们会将每一步要求解释清楚,只要按照要求进行,在很短的时间内就可以完成申请。至于申请时所需的材料内容就不在这里赘述了,网上的资料很多,有些还是值得借鉴的。
关于绩点的问题,也许在看到这篇文章的时候,你们已经走过了大学的大部分时光,积点大幅提高和降低的可能性已经不大。不过庆幸的是,大三和大四没有了公共课,而且精读课等专业课的导师给分普遍比较仁慈。就英国大学来说,比较有名气的大学都要求GPA超过3,也就是平均分80分以上。像我申请过的一所Media Studies十分出色的大学,虽然学校历史不长,底气不足,但也要求GPA达到3.3分。而现在我打算去的爱丁堡大学更是要求超过3.5。上外的绩点,实话说,给的不高。上海有些大学,包括交大复旦等等,甚至有学生能够达到3.9。所以我的建议是,如果你心仪的大学因为积点问题而为难你的话,尽量想办法提供证明(比如在年级里的成绩在10%以内,得过**比赛的奖项,或者参加过级别高的志愿者活动等等)与他们argue,或许他们就能回心转意。
打算去英国留学的同学只要考好雅思就OK了,去美国留学的则既要考TOEFL又要准备GRE,或者GMAT。在实习的时候我看过很多资料,专家建议去美国留学的同学应该先早早准备GRE,再去考TOEFL。因为GRE难度比较大,也比较费时费力,所以应该乘有空的时候,长时间的迎考。本人觉得从大二升大三的暑假里,就可以准备起来了。大三的课业相当繁忙,这一年当中可能没什么时间准备出国的事情,建议在暑假寒假里把这些考试都解决了,大四一开学就可以定定心心的安排其他出国事宜。继续回到我熟悉的IELTS考试:众所周知,雅思考试满分为9分,听力阅读以0.5计分,口语和作文在我考试的这一次没有0.5分。根据我身边的情况,英语专业应该能达到总分8分。我强烈建议一定要去报个雅思班读一读,而且一定要报最高级别的那种,虽然通过1个月的学习,英语水平不见得能提高多少,但是雅思考试需要的技巧和解题诀窍自己研究恐怕是不行的。特别是作文部分,只有熟悉了它的模式,才能拿到高分。Btw, 现在一部分美国大学也开始接受雅思,而一部分英国大学也接受托福了。说到大学,英国顶尖大学一般都要求研究生雅思成绩在6.5以上,有个别专业,如商课,文科等专业性较强的专业要求在7以上,并且每一项都不得低于7。
申请的过程是找中介还是DIY? 推荐DIY的不少,现在办得差不多了,我也觉得DIY省钱,但是绝对不省力。如果大三有大把的时间,尽可以自己办。自己写推荐信,自荐信,resume等所有的文书工作,自己上网查专业的录取要求,自己准备材料,自己用DHL邮寄到外国,自己与学校联系, 自己申请宿舍&申请是一件很繁琐的事情,需要细心和耐心。如果对这些没有把握,或者像我这样怕麻烦的,就去找中介吧。上海一共有14家有留学资质的中介,网上查一下就知道了。建议多跑几家,多打几个电话,做了详尽的比较再做最后决定。广告打的特别大的中介也不一定好。我有一个朋友是在**办的,其实我也考虑过这家中介,但是比较下来价格稍微高了点,就没去,换了另外一家离家近的,当然也是有资质的。据说**有一个办英国留学的年轻女老师经常推托说自己忙,让学生自己解决,这还算什么中介?!其实有资质的这些中介提供的服务都大同小异,与他们碰面的时候注意下他们的办公环境和业务量,还有中介老师的服务态度。大家都想开开心心的出国,所以申请的时候一定也要心情舒畅。顺便说一句,如果你让中介老师帮你办什么事,而最后你不满意,千万要委婉的提出,要以感激的态度答复别人,毕竟别人付出了劳动。大家要互相尊重。
申请程序一般是从每年的10月初开始,这时就可以开始递交材料,一般来说一星期左右会收到对方招生办寄来的E-mail确认信,一个月左右offer就会寄出。圣诞节新年期间和复活节春假期间大学休假,审核时间会拖长,尽量避免这两个时段。还有一些大学的热门专业名额有限,所以尽量提前申请。这里纠正一个误解:并不是一定要先考语言再申请,也可以先申请再考语言。先申请的话,对方大学一般会在conditional offer上面注明他们所期望的语言考试分数。在校学生收到的全部都是conditional offer, 要等到毕业拿到毕业证书之后才可以换取正式offer,办理签证。有些专业提供奖学金,但是文科比较少,即使有也比较难申请。
Personal Statement 1
I am a forth-year student majoring in English Language and Literature at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), longing to continue my postgraduate education on the subject of Urban Economic Development offered by University College London.
My interest in city development dates back to the visit to Shanghai City Planning Exhibition Center in my summer vacation of 2002, when I was tremendously impressed by the biggest urban planning model in the world with a 600-square-meter landscape as well as the planning and construction of metropolitan Shanghai in the next 20 years. In Dec. 4, 2002, the successful bid to host the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai inspired me to join in the preparation and organization of the great event with the theme &better city, better life& and pursue a career in urban development. From the media I got to know that for Expo 2010 Shanghai there is a severe shortage of specialized people with a good command of foreign languages, international perspectives and professional knowledge in urban development. Therefore, I determined to study English first for my bachelor&s degree so as to equip myself with both an international perspective and specialized language capability before studying city development aboard upon graduation.
With the score of 634 (top 2% in Henan Province) in the National College Entrance Examination in 2004, I entered Shanghai International Studies University ( SISU), one of China&s prestigious universities famous for its first-class English teaching and profound research projects in social sciences. With the dream of becoming a capable specialized person, I studied so assiduously and conscientiously that I made great progress in the ranking from top 50% in the first academic year to top 10% this year and was awarded the Excellent Students of SISU.
In the last three years, I have maintained a keen interest in urban development and planning. I read the book the city in history written by Lewis Mumford and the journal &Urban Planning and Design& sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Urban Planning and Design, both of which offered me a board overview of the past and current situation in the world&s biggest cities like London, New York, and Toronto, and consequently inspired me to consider the cause and effect of city development as well as the interconnections between policy and practice in urban planning. Furthermore, the research project entitled &The Living Environment of Migrant Workers in Shanghai& and experiences of working as a volunteer have opened my eyes to some of the most miserable and pitiable scenes-- innocent people plagued by diseases caused by industrial pollution, children dropped out of ordinary schools just because their parents are migrant workers who cannot afford their tuition fees, or a nuclear family with a living space of less than 15 square meters. In addition, the experience of organizing extracurricular activities which enabled me to make friends with students from different regions of the country has greatly raised my awareness of the imbalances in economic status quo and the educational disparity between urban and rural areas. All of these shocked me and solidified my decision to study urban economic development aboard.
For my excellent work as a liaison officer, which was selected from 50,000 volunteers during the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics World Summer Games, now I have been invited by Shanghai Municipal Government to be one of the advanced volunteers of Expo 2010 Shanghai. As soon as I attain my master&s degree, I will go back to join in the preparation work of this great event. I believe I can become the core force of 2010 Shanghai Expo by utilizing my well-trained skills and specialized knowledge. After that, I plan to go back to my hometown, a still underdeveloped city with a large rural population, and make use of my theoretical background and practical experience to make the greatest contribution as a professional in city construction.
Studying in London, one of the biggest cities in the world, can shed some light to me on the design and planning of this great city. Boasting 50 years experience of education in urban development, the Development Planning Unit at University College London is definitely my ideal destination for my graduate study. I am ready to meet new challenges and to do my best. I sincerely hope that my application will be kindly accepted and approved.
Personal Statement 2
I am a fourth-year student majoring in English Language and Literature at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), from which, in June, 2008 I will graduate with a BA. I am convinced that my four years& study at SISU, together with my initiative and diligence, has well prepared me for taking further studies abroad that will further widen my vision and upgrade my knowledge. To realize this dream of mine, I am applying to the MSc Programme of Management offered by University of Bristol, a university with enviable academic reputation.
Ever since I was a teenager, I have taken interest in organizing various activities. Such a liking has gradually developed into a strong thirst for knowledge in the field of Management. I then determined to study English for my bachelor&s degree so as to equip myself with an international perspective and a good command of English with the hope of studying management aboard upon graduation.
With the score of 634 (top 2% in Henan Province) in the National College Entrance Examination in 2004, I entered Shanghai International Studies University, one of China&s prestigious universities famous for its first-class English teaching and profound research projects in social sciences. In such an atmosphere, I studied so assiduously and conscientiously that I made great progress in the ranking from top 50% in the first academic year to top 10% this year. Apart from all the courses of my major, I have taken some optional courses in the field of sociology and science, such as Advanced Mathematics for cultivating logical thinking, International Commercial Law for observing modern business operation modes from the legal point of view, Contemporary Politics and Economy for knowing more about global political and economical development, etc. to broaden my knowledge and to prepare for possible future study in business and management.
When I was Vice-president of the Students& Union of my college, I have conducted an English research projects with my classmates on the management of students& organizations through written questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, and data analysis. In addition, the experience of organizing extracurricular activities which helped improve my ability to organize various activities, to coordinate the functions of the Union&s different departments, to realize the importance of working efficiency and interpersonal relationships.
Of course, to be a professional, I should learn to integrate theory with practice and to discover problems through practical experience. I worked once in summer for about two months in the Foreign Affairs Office of Zhengzhou Municipal Government, Henan Province, where I got a preliminary understanding of the governmental set-up, the mechanism of policy making and skills in social problem solving. Besides, the working experience in the Sales Department of Zhengzhou Nissan Co., Ltd. deepened my understanding of the business versus society relationship and the relationship between business managers and their clients.
I believe that as a capable manager, it is not only indispensable to have a real market acumen, but also essential to master the corporation operation skills and approaches especially when evaluating the company&s performances. In short, this postgraduate programme could perfectly link my acquired knowledge to the career I am willing to build on. In particular, the exploration into Finance, Accounting and Management modules provides me with the insights into the key functions and specialized knowledge of financial management workings.&
The education in United Kingdom has always enjoyed a high reputation worldwide. Academic excellence, superior teaching facilities and beautiful environment make your university an ideal destination of my graduate study. I am ready to meet new challenges and to do my best. I sincerely hope that my application will be kindly accepted and approved.
Personal Statement 3
Born on 14th Mar. 1986 in an ordinary Chinese family, I am so lucky to have democratic parents who are always ready to give me full support every time I make up my mind to take up something. They also paid considerable attention to my early education and always set themselves as good examples. Since my early years, I&ve been enchanted by the beauty of language, which is more than the most important tools for human communication. Later I began to learn English, one of the most popular languages in the world. And of course, I devoted myself to it.
After I graduated from Shanghai No.3 Girls& Senior High School in Sep. 2004, I was admitted into Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), one of the best international language universities in China, as well as one of the best universities enlisted in the &211 Project&. In the University Entrance Examination, which is held once every year nationwide to select high school graduates for higher education, my strong performance enabled me to major in English, the best major with the longest history and the best teaching faculties in SISU.
Involved in this field, I was gradually aware that English is not just the language tools we use every day. Instead, it is composed of a lot of specialized knowledge such as survey of the UK and the USA, their society, literature and cultures. Besides, I was surprised with its intensive feature since I used to regard English as the combination of words, sentences and recitation. During my three years& study here, thanks to my school curricula provided, apart from compulsory courses, I learnt a colorful array of practical optional courses such as International Law, Basic Computer Network, Human Resources Management, etc. All of them are useful to the broadening of students& vision and promotion of their overall quality, and I got professionally and vigorously trained. After class, I would like to communicate with my classmates and exchange ideas with my professors, usually about foreign cultures as well as the social heated problems. In my opinion, the purpose of communication sometimes is not just to solve the problem, but to collect useful information to have full sights of things. That would help me to absorb more different thoughts which would fulfill my academic skills and practical ability. Great interest and passion in English had encouraged me to pursue a better achievement in my studying and got an average of about 88% in my overall courses with a GPA of 3.7493.
The colorful university life should not be filled with academic study. Book worm will not be competitive any more. Overall ability is always the goal I work for. When I was a freshman, I was selected Commissary in charge of studies. Meanwhile, I joined the Students& Union and took the position of Group Leader of Department of Academic Activities and the Organizer of Department of Sports Activities. Besides, I have been the Monitor since Sep. 2005, dealing with all the affairs in class. Those days working offered me better skills of communication and presentation, which are useful to my oral English as well as my future study even career.
The theory must stand on the ground of practice in the reality. With the training of BEC Higher and Advanced Interpretation, I got more opportunities than others to take intern as business interpreter in conferences. For example, in the year 2005, I worked as an intern in China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Sub-council. As the leader of interpreters and translators, I had done a good job there. In addition, working experience in Office 123AS from Norway in Seed Forum Shanghai 2007, Greek Chamber of Commerce organized by Greek Embassy, 12th International Automobile and Manufacturing Technology Exhibition, Shanghai Rogers Exhibition Service Ltd (Rogers worldwide HK ltd), etc. provided me with the chance to practice what I learnt in class and talk with foreigners from different cultural backgrounds. Those days gave me much more than what I&ve learnt from textbooks. Working experience in the real society made me realize that apart from a good command of English, I have to master skills of a certain specialty in order to improve my overall ability so as to make myself more competitive in the future job hunting. Great influence of my parents who are both engaged in management help me focus on it. Besides, the rapid development of China will encourage the further blooming of enterprises which are in great need of talents in management.
With the strong competitiveness in language utilization, I feel bound to pursue master&s studies abroad. In this sense, UK is my most ideal place for further academic endeavor because of its high reputation of education and the perfect English teaching system. I am sure that my master&s studies in your prestigious course will not only strengthen my academic capacity but also broaden my vision in the world of language as well. I sincerely hope that the admission committee will grant me a most favorable consideration, which is greatly appreciated in advance.
Personal Statement 4
Majoring in English Language and Literature, I will graduate from Shanghai International Studies University in July 2008. As an applicant for the Programme of Creative and Media Enterprises at the University of Warwick, I would like to introduce myself to you through the following Personal Statement.
Born and grown up in Changchun, Jilin Province, I have got 12 years& education there.& An experience particularly worth mentioning was that as an extracurricular duty, I have worked for three years in the English broadcasting station of Changchun No.2 High School, and there I developed my sense of responsibility and cultivated a strong interest in British culture.&
My wish was fulfilled in 2004 when I entered Shanghai International Studies University, one of China&s prestigious universities of academic excellence and reputation. I have been assiduously working since then in both compulsory and optional courses and dreaming of studying abroad after graduation. I did so well that I have won the second-class scholarship three times and the third-class scholarship twice, and this year I was awarded the title of SISU Excellent Student.&
With an intense interest in media and cultural communication, I attended a series of courses including History of English Literature, A Survey of Great Britain and the U.S.A, American Movies, Program Host Art, Music Appreciation, etc. In the summer of 2006 I was lucky enough to work as an intern at Jilin TV Station. The provincial TV station provided me with chances of communicating with foreign visitors and getting involved in organizing grand events. That was an occasion of working with the news media, which eventually led to my determination of pursuing studies on Creative and Media Enterprises.
I am always fully aware of the importance of putting what I&ve learnt into practice. I have taken part in various activities on or off campus.& Being one of the Students& Union&s leaders, I participated in forming the Students& Forum, the first one of this kind in my university. By inviting excellent students to give lectures, we managed to share experience and exchange ideas. By successfully holding the forum, I further developed my creative spirit and communication skills. During our university&s Shakespeare Art Festival, which was the most popular activity of the whole college town, I acted in &Much Ado About Nothing& and our performance won the first prize.& During the 2007 summer vocation, I worked as an intern at Jilin Translation Publishing House, where I translated famous English essays into Chinese. This offered me a precious opportunity of knowing more about the differences between Chinese culture and western culture.&&&&&&&&&&&
Since my English competence is sound and adequate, as I would proudly say, it is natural that I am planning to take postgraduate studies abroad. My goal is to obtain systematic skills in media communications to get prepared
and UK is the ideal destination.
Mass media, including newspapers, TV, film, broadcasting and Internet, plays an important role in modern society and inevitably, it has close relations with politics, economy, culture, natural and social sciences, education and all the other areas in human life.
As the largest developing country, China is keen to promote its media industry. With more than 70 media groups, it has become the fourth pillar industry in the country&s economy with an annual income from advertising amounting to over 7 billion pounds.& In the process of globalization, it is absolutely necessary for China&s media industry to draw references from the theories and practice of foreign countries.&
Britain, boasting the world-leading media industry such as BBC and many renowned newspapers, has produced a great number of elites. Cutting-edge technology, updated worldwide information, and the most splendid creativity are applied to that enormous &Media Empire&. Its achievements must be summed up and taught in British universities. That is the reason why I want to pursue my postgraduate studies there.
I have read a lot to get ready for my future studies on media communications and it is my wish to devote myself to the media industry one day. The environment and atmosphere for study in your university are exactly the kind I am seeking for. I believe my study at your University, if possible, will be the commencement of consistent efforts to realize my dream.&&&&&&&&
I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider my application in my favor. Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Recommendation Letter 1
Dear Sir / Madam:
I am delighted to recommend Miss XXX to you for her application to your MA Programme of Creative and Media Enterprises.& As a native of Jilin Province, she did her summer fieldwork from July to September 2006 at Jilin Television Station, where I am the Director.
Miss XXX worked as a guide, as well as an interpreter, for the foreign guests who visited our TV Station.& She was often commended for her English proficiency and considerateness.&& When she got involved in planning and organizing the 2006 New Silk Road Model Contest, her diligence and efficiency in helping with news briefing, online vote counting, contacting with sponsors, having costumes made to order, training models, and on-the-spot coordination of shooting and coverage have won favorable comments from her colleagues and the media.& I was impressed by her ability to learn and her amazing comprehension.& Also, I have noticed her marked progress in performing her duties, though there were many students working as interns at our Station every year.&&&&&
I am convinced that her pleasant personality, her great initiative and her personal interest are quite suitable to the mass media profession.& But she still needs to take further studies in that field to gain more theoretical knowledge.& To study at your University to be part of your academic excellence is no doubt the best choice for her.&&
I trust that if she has such an opportunity, she will do a fine job as she did at XX TV Station.& Your kind consideration in her favor will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time and attention.
Yours faithfully,
Recommendation Letter 2
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am very happy to recommend Miss XXX to further her graduate study at your university. She was one of the active students in my course History of English and Literature. I am quite impressed by her classroom participation and her presentation. She has also impressed her classmates as a good student for her diligence and critical comments in class, which has demonstrated some potential for her future study and research.
Motivated by the desire to learn theoretical knowledge well, she became one of the most enthusiastic students of the course. Her thought-provoking questions often came up for discussion at the class. I was impressed by her analysis of some questions. She read books on which I recommended to the students and always discussed some questions with me after class. I believe this will do her good for her future study.
Miss X also has got the ability of transforming her thoughts in theoretical level into practical problem-solving. I can see her potential in teaching through her class performance. She is articulate and got the ability to express herself clearly and communicate well. I believe that Miss X is a promising teacher.
Also Miss X is quite critical and independent in her reading and study, which is evidenced by her assignment and report. She is able to use the theory to analyze some issues and problems in teaching with the theories she learned and present her analysis in a coherent and logical way, all these have shown her mastery of fundamental training in research.
Given the above reasons and her nice personality, I have no hesitation to recommend her to your university for her postgraduate study and your favorable consideration will be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Recommendation Letter 3
To Whom It May Concern,
As a lecturer with over 8 years of teaching experiences behind me, I have the intimate knowledge of most of my remarkable young students, among whom, Miss XXX is one of the best. Hereby, I am delighted to write this letter for her for further education in your university.
Miss X was admitted to the College of English Language and Literature of this university in 2004 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation. Even in such a selective group, Miss X made herself distinguished. As a Lecturer of the college, I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct. In her third year, I instructed her two compulsory courses ---- Advanced Comprehensive English and Interpretation. So I have known her quite well.
As her teacher, I carried out my duty to give her a fast but effective way to understand and comprehend the core of the courses. What stroke me most was her diligence and her amazing interest in English. The girl was equipped with great love and passion of English so that she grasped almost every opportunity such as exchanging ideas with others after class, consulting materials from books, reading books and novels in English, listening to English news reports to broaden her vision and solidify her knowledge. She demonstrated tremendous interest not only in the compulsory courses, but also in the optional ones such as Human Resources Management, International Law, Myth of Greece and Rome, Appreciation of English Prose. Thus, she stood out among her peers for her acumen and got scholarship every year.
As far as I know, XXX&s outstanding organizing ability enabled her to make great achievements in the Student Union. Her work in Department of Academic Activities and the Department of Sports Activities has made the campus activities more colorful. In addition, she took an active part in internship nearly& every summer or winter holiday, accumulating practical social experience from different occasions, which made her more competitive than her peers. Her thirst for knowledge, her diligence and excellent performance, and her outstanding ability was highly appreciated by the other students and teachers. That was also the reason why I really took pride in this student.
Judging by her outstanding performance, I am convinced that Miss XXX has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.
Yours sincerely,
Recommendation Letter 4
To whom it may concern,
It is my pleasure to recommend one of my favorite students, XXX to you, to further support her application for admission.
I got acquainted with X a year ago when she attended my class, History of English Literature as a compulsory course. Just during this only one year, I had already witnessed her passion and love of English literature. By first impression, X was an intelligent student with independent thoughts and creative ideas. In my class, she always communicated with other students and professors with her thoughts of literature works, different from common Chinese students who are not willing to change ideas or ask for help. Her desire for knowledge was displayed by her intellectual curiosity, hard working and practice in relevant activities. What impressed me most was the moment I saw her on the stage of the Shakespeare Literature Festival of our school. Her outstanding performance and perfect oral English stroke me a lot. In my class, of course, she got the best score of 98%. It is her diligence that ensured her high grade. As far as I know, she was once entitled Triple-A student in SISU and each semester she was awarded the first prize scholarship during the three years of academic study.
Saving best for last, what is neglected but worthy of being mentioned, I have to confess, is her outstanding organizing ability and active participation in internship. Her achievements in the Department of Academic Activities and Department of Sports Activities as well were highly appreciated by students and my colleagues. Used to be commissary in charge of studies and now the monitor of her class, she always played the perfect role of the bridge of communication between students and teachers. Besides, she grasped all the opportunities to accumulate working experience in different units, putting her English into practice. Her strict attitude and pursuit of knowledge, as well as active role in social work were under admiration from my teachers and students in my school. It is really amazing that she could balance her work and study quite well. And her academic performance was always among the top in the School of English Language and Literature. We all know that grades cannot fully represent all respects of a person, especially his or her academic potential. That&s why I take pride in the nice characters in this student of mine, such as the characters of being unassuming and scrupulous.
From my observation, I am confident that X is most suitable for independent study and research. The intelligent nature, proficiency in English and great inter-personal skills all prepare her well for further study abroad. She is a qualified candidate for your prestigious master&s program. So I am confident that she will be a competent graduate student on your campus. Your favorable consideration of her application will be highly appreciated.
Faithfully yours,


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