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Karena Lam's personal data and photos [map]林嘉欣,香港演员、歌手。在加拿大出生、长大。15岁赴台湾成长唱歌事业,曾刊行专辑《有点想》。因与经纪人happen合约胶葛,被禁止演艺活动,只得返加拿大完成高中学业。1999年后又曾返台刊行专辑《单恋物语》,一样因合约问题被迫叫停,直至2001年才处理合约问题。之后演艺事业非常顺遂。日上映的《魔侠传之……林嘉欣,香港演员、歌手。在加拿大出生、长大。15岁赴台湾成长唱歌事业,曾刊行专辑《有点想》。因与经纪人happen合约胶葛,被禁止演艺活动,只得返加拿大完成高中学业。1999年后又曾返台刊行专辑《单恋物语》,一样因合约问题被迫叫停,直至2001年才处理合约问题。之后演艺事业非常顺遂。日上映的《魔侠传之唐吉可德》是林嘉欣的息影之作。2010年与导演袁剑伟在加拿大注册成亲并预备产子,同年10月林嘉欣在加拿大温哥华诞下女儿Kayla,并决定暂别娱乐界。2011年8月,林嘉欣在北京复工。林嘉欣姓名:林嘉欣  血型:B型  本籍:广东省汕头市  出生地:加拿大  身高:165公分  体重:48千克  三围:33、 24、 34  说话:国语、粤语、英语、日语  鞋子尺寸:7号半  家庭:怙恃,一姐,两妹  星座:狮子座[
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视频: 130120.浪漫偶像.S02.E04 FTIsland G...
新浪娱乐讯 今天(6月19日),韩国MBC ...
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袁剑伟资料:袁剑伟,男, 香港MV导演,著名的广告导演。袁剑伟先后执导过张学友、彭羚和周慧敏等的MV,而且是着名的广告导演。他曾在加拿大读心理学。已婚,前妻住在北京。非常有才,令林嘉欣一见钟情,传是林嘉欣的绯闻男友,后经袁剑伟亲口证实,两人已经在加拿大结婚。&袁剑伟新闻:北京时间9月11日消息,据香港媒体报道,被传与已婚男谱不伦恋以及怀孕的林嘉欣,最终得到广告导演袁剑伟亲口向媒体证实,两人已于加拿大结婚,林嘉欣的确怀孕即将当妈妈,还强调林嘉欣并非第三者。林嘉欣  影坛甜姐儿林嘉欣入行以来绯闻不多,早前突然盛传她恋上已婚广告导演袁剑伟(Steve),指两人于08年经林嘉欣前男友陈光荣介绍认识,暗交两年令袁妻相当激动。至于事件女主角林嘉欣于今年三月十八日出席完一个公开活动后突然销声匿迹,期间一直传出她有意退出娱乐圈,后来又有消息称目睹林嘉欣于加拿大多伦多的圣玛丽综合医院,接受孕妇定期检查。  离婚后发展  林嘉欣恋上已婚男,未婚怀孕的消息四散,昨天(9月10日)袁剑伟终于站出来,接受媒体电话访问,亲口剖析和林嘉欣的关系,证实两人已于今年在加拿大结婚,林嘉欣的确怀有身孕,正在加拿大待产,袁剑伟坚称林嘉欣并非第三者,两人在他离婚后才开始发展。以下是袁剑伟与记者的对话。&
(责任编辑:lantian 本文网址 转载请保留出处)【资料】华人女星——林嘉欣影评专贴_北美影评吧_百度贴吧
亲密综艺 Clandestine romance provides sad but pleasurable viewing in the high-quality Hong Kong meller "Claustrophobia." Helming bow of Hong Kong scripting vet Ivy Ho ("Comrades, Almost a Love Story," "Divergence") has a mastery that recalls Eric Rohmer and Woody Allen at their most sublime. Offering fine drama about and for adults, pic will make a prestige inclusion for fests. Commercial possibilities exist for industrious distribs willing to guide sophisticated auds away from the usual arthouse milieus.都媲美伍迪艾伦了 Perfs are strong across the board, and distaff lead Lam is aces林嘉欣的演技成熟老练
好莱坞报道者的评价 Bottom Line: Ultra-delicate story of unrequited love that may be too delicate for its own good.BERLIN -- No guns are fired, nor do any car chases occur, in this delicate -- if slightly thin -- story of unrequited love centered in the marketing department of a large Hong Kong corporation. Told backward in eight successive flashbacks, virtually all of the film's dialogue is (purposely, one hopes) utterly vapid. Yet just enough of it -- maybe a tenth -- seems to hint at more unruly emotions that must remain repressed by the sweet and gentle woman at the film's core.Since it contains little of what consumers of "Hong Kong films" have come to expect from the genre, and given its offbeat narrative structure, it's hard to imagine very robust sales for the film. But it might interest festival programrs looking to display something of contemporary Hong Kong life beyond its gangsters. The shy and thoughtful Pearl (Karena Lam) has a crush on her boss Tom (Ekin Cheng), but by the end of the first scene he has upset her by recommending that she look for another job. The virtually self-contained scenes that follow are labeled "one week ago," "one month ago," "two months ago," and so on, as the genesis of this love affair that is not to be is explored. We also meet Pearl's other co-workers, such as the gorgeous airhead Jewel (Chuck Woo), the disapproving senior employee Karl (Felix Lok), and the smart but hyper-sensitive John (Derek Tsang), whom the cellphone-obsessed Jewel has wrapped around her little finger.It must be said that writer-director Ivy Ho's use of the reverse narrative structure has none of the philosophical depth found in films like "Memento" or her film's closer cousin, another love story, "Betrayal." In fact, it's difficult to determine why she used it at all as it seems to create expectations of significance that are never satisfied.Virtually all subjects that come up in the course of the film are of the utmost banality, yet an evanescent delicateness surfaces when the script allows hints of true feeling to emerge. (One such moment comes during a discussion of foot massages, when Tom says, apparently offhandedly, that "only the kind of foot massage that hurts does you any good.") Ho also knows how to contrast noisy, stupid moments (mostly involving Jewel) with the pregnant, mysterious silences of Pearl when she is alone with the unsuspecting Tom. (In the film's best scene, she confesses her love to him while he's asleep.) There also is a potentially powerful but largely undeveloped theme that subtly contrasts the high-powered world of contemporary Hong Kong with the quiet if almost forgotten pleasures of a traditional Chinese song heard accidentally on the radio, or the moon glimpsed briefly between two towering skyscrapers that otherwise obliterate the evening sky.
预感好莱坞报道者的影评是Maggie Lee写的


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