install_flashplayer debug...

From BackTrack Linux
As you may have noticed Flash Player does not work on Backtrack 5, so in order to fix this we first need to remove the current flash player by issuing the following commands:
root@bt:~# apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla
root@bt:~# rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash*
root@bt:~# rm -f /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/*flash*
root@bt:~# rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*flash*
root@bt:~# rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*so
root@bt:~# rm -rfd /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper
After removing flash we need to get the new flash player from the official [
website]. (Download in tar.gz format)
Next up we will take care of the Flash Player:
root@bt:~# mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins
root@bt:~# mkdir flash
root@bt:~# mv -f install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz flash/
root@bt:~# cd flash/
root@bt:~/flash# tar xvfz install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz
root@bt:~/flash# cp -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/
We can test if flash player works .
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This page was last modified on 13 August 2012, at 07:51.
This page has been accessed 266,022 times.Download Adobe Flash Player 19 Beta for Desktops - Adobe Labs
Adobe Labs Downloads
Download Flash Player 19 Beta
Adobe& Flash& Player 19 drives innovation for rich, engaging digital experiences with new features for cross-platform browser-based viewing of expressive rich internet applications, content, and videos across devices. This beta release provides access to the Flash Player 19 runtime for Mac OS and Windows desktop environments.
Sept 16, 2015
Announcement: We are moving to a rapid beta release cycle using "". We encourage you to
so you can get the latest and the greatest Flash Player without a single mouse click.
By downloading the software listed below, I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the terms of the , the
Flash Player 19 Beta
The following downloads provide the Flash Player 19 beta installers for Mac and Windows operating systems. The technology is not final therefore we do not recommend this release be used on productions systems or for any mission-critical work. See the
for more information.
Flash Player 19 Beta Installers
Universal 32-bit and 64-bit installers
Flash Player 19 Beta Content Debuggers
Universal 32-bit and 64-bit content debugger builds for Mac and Windows browsers
Flash Player 19 Beta Standalone
32-bit standalone builds for Mac and Windows
Flash Player 19 Beta Standalone Debuggers
32-bit standalone content dubugger builds for Mac and Windows
Flash Player 19 Beta Global SWC
Please uninstall any previous versions of Flash Player before installing this prerelease build.
To revert to the shipping version of Flash Player, follow the instructions below, then install the .
Go to your download folder.
Find the uninstaller file, double-click it and follow the prompts.
Go to your download folder.
Find the uninstaller file, double-click it and follow the prompts.Open the Ubuntu Software Center. You can start it from the Ubuntu task bar.
Click the Edit menu and select Software Sources.
Click the "Ubuntu Software" tab.
Check the "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)" box. Click "Close".
Wait for the Software Center to update sources. This may take a few minutes.
Search for "Pepper Flash Player". Download the browser plugin.
The package name will be "pepperflashplugin-nonfree", but it is a free plugin.
Open the Terminal. You can start it from the task bar, or press Ctrl+Alt+T
Type .sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree and press ? Enter.
Wait for the installation to complete. This may take a few moments. Once the installation is complete, your computer's name will appear again. Type exit and press ? Enter to close the terminal.
Restart your browser. Flash is now installed for Chromium.
Check for updates periodically. When Flash is installed this way, it will not update automatically. You will need to manually check for updates on a semi-regular basis.
Open the Terminal.
Type sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree –status and press ? Enter to check for updates. If the available update is a higher number than your installed update, there is an update available.
Type sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree –install and press ? Enter to install the update.
Restart your browser to complete the update.
Update Chrome. Flash is built-in to Chrome, and no extra effort is required to get it running. Simply
and Flash should work just fine.
If Flash is broken in Chrome, try .
Change browsers to Chrome or Chromium. Adobe is no longer supporting Linux development outside of the Pepper Flash plugin for Chrome. That means that the Flash plugin for Firefox is very outdated and is not receiving any improvements and only minor security patches.
If you want to install the outdated version for Firefox, read on.
Open the Ubuntu Software Center. You can start it from the Ubuntu task bar.
3Search for "flashplugin-installer"
Select "Adobe Flash plugin" from the list of results.
Install the plugin.
Restart Firefox for the new plugin to take effect.
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